What do they mean? Mrs Dent Year 10 product design Packaging symbols What do they mean? Mrs Dent Year 10 product design
Sustainable Forest Card packaging with this symbol means that the materials used to make the packaging have been harvested from sustainable forests. This means that the forest is managed in such a way that the trees are replanted so that trees that are cut down are replaced. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) The FSC logo is displayed on products which contain wood from sustainably managed forests. These forests have been independently certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council A.C.
Tidyman The Tidyman symbol asks consumers to dispose of rubbish carefully and thoughtfully. Do not litter.
PET Polyethylene Terepthalate Fizzy drinks Mineral water Squashes Cooking oils Recycling points are located throughout the UK
Mobius Loop Packaging that displays the mobius loop is capable of being recycled. However, please be aware that this symbol does not necessarily mean that the material can be recycled in the UK. Did you know that the Green Dot is NOT a recycling symbol. It is actually a trademark.
Lion mark The Lion Mark was developed in 1988 by the British Toy & Hobby Association as a symbol of toy safety and quality for the consumer. The Lion Mark may only be used by BTHA members. BTHA Members include many major international and European companies. So what is the point of a Lion Mark? To use the Lion Mark, the supplier has to sign a strict Code of Practice, (the Toy Retailers Association Code is based on the same document), which, as well as covering toy safety matters, demands the highest standards of ethics in advertising and other trading matters
The TUV Rheinland GS S1certificate is a certificate presented to manufacturers as the de facto certificate for acceptance into Europe. The certificate can be considered the de facto certificate because it not only demonstrates full compliance with the GPSG (German equipment safety law) for Germany, but it also demonstrates compliance to the LVD (minimum EU requirement).
This symbol was found on a well known box of matches This symbol was found on a well known box of matches. The symbol represents the companies efforts to make match boxes from recycled board. The company also claims that this saves energy and trees
precision made This symbol was found on a package for a professional quality torch. The symbol suggests that the product inside the package is ‘precision made. This means that all the parts have been precisely manufactured and fit together very accurately.
This recycling symbol is very similar to the electrical items recycling symbol, but does not have a bar at the bottom of the crossed out wheeled bin. This symbol is used to support the Battery Directive which became part of UK law in 2008.
Recycling aluminium Where facilities exist aluminium can be recycled
Found on food products – this symbol means ‘add hot / boiling water’
Portion symbol Food packaging – how many portions the contents will serve
Fair trade Fairtrade is a strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Its purpose is to create opportunities for producers and workers who have been economically disadvantaged or marginalized by the conventional trading system. If fair access to markets under better trade conditions would help them to overcome barriers to development, they can join Fairtrade.” Fairtrade is a tool for development that ensures disadvantaged farmers and workers in developing countries get a better deal through the use of the international FAIRTRADE Mark.
National Association of Paper Merchants Paper and board that displays the NAPM Recycled Paper Mark will have been made from a minimum of 50% genuine recovered fibre. For further information please visit: www.napm.org.uk
Kite mark The first product and service quality mark to be established in the UK, the Kitemark reassures consumers that vital safety and performance requirements have been met on an incredibly wide range of products and services. From electrical contractors to double glazed windows and installation; from fire extinguishers to cattle ear tags and glass; a Kitemark provides a visible confirmation of quality.
CE Mark This symbol, the CE Mark, together with the name and address of the supplier, is required by law to appear on all toys placed on the market in the European Union. There is a great deal of misunderstanding about what a CE Mark really means. The CE Mark was established to ensure a free market of toys right across the Community and the mark has sometimes been described as the 'passport for product'. It is the supplier's statement that his toys meet the safety requirements of the European Toy Safety Directive, and that such toys are therefore entitled to free movement throughout the Community. In order to show that products meet that requirement, the first supplier in the Community has to maintain a Technical File . The file should contain a description of the means by which the supplier has ensured that his products comply with the law. The CE Mark is intended mainly for Enforcement Authorities (Trading Standards Officers in the UK). It is NOT a claim of quality or safety as generally understood by consumers. The address (which must also be displayed with the CE Mark) enables the Trading Standards Officer to trace the supplier and demand the technical file if he has a query about the product. The CE Mark also appears on many other products. This is because there are other EU Directives which require its use. The mark can therefore not be taken to be a declaration that the product is a toy.