First and foremost, interior design is important due to the aesthetic value it posses in a given space.. The simple fact is that having a house that looks nicer is going to make you like it better and that makes design important. Interior design increases the value of a house/project. Most home buyers draw conclusions of buying the house and if the price is worth judging by the appearance. Interior design enables an owner to make the most of spaces Learning interior design gives us a better scope of fabrics materials colour furniture and lighting that will have desired effect on the person occupying the premises. The interior of space affects the quality of life that the people live in such a way that they interact with this environment on a daily basis, and if something does not work for you, its more likely to frustrate more than make you happy.
FUNCTIONS Interior architecture (defn) – closely related to another aspect of architecture and dependent on it for its existence, value and significance. Can make a big space feel small and a small space fell pic, e.g a factory or warehouse has poor interior and so feels small while a child’s playing maze and slides feel big due to the play of colours. Organisation – all elements are coded. flow / separate spaces. Client’s characteristics and preferences are given priority.-looks at likes and dislike….
LAST BUT NOT LEAST Interior design is not just about the looks of the building’s interior. It is important to remember that is play a very fundamental role in the functionality because even the largest house can lack space if having a poor interior design, while a tiny apartment can be transformed into a cosy residence with enough space for just about everything with the right design and the use of contemporary lighting.contemporary lighting
Most of us must wonder why we as architects should bother learning how to design but we should all know that interior design is much more important than it may seem at a first glance and can be easily compared with the importance of architecture, at least when it comes to interior. Hiring an interior designer is therefore more than just a good idea if building a new house or remodelling/renovating the existing one.