Altavista VS About Cheryl Aupperle Assignment 5
Why use altavista and about? I wanted to use search engines that the class had probably not heard of before.I wanted to use search engines that the class had probably not heard of before. The companies who pay money for their site are listed in a separate section at the top of the page called sponsored results.The companies who pay money for their site are listed in a separate section at the top of the page called sponsored results. –It is fairly clear that the top section of results will most likely be trying to sell you something.
Queries posed to the search engines. Query 1: prolog tutorial. The query was typed in just as it appears above without any special charactersQuery 1: prolog tutorial. The query was typed in just as it appears above without any special characters Query 2: music of the enlightenment. Once again, this query was typed in exactly as it appears above.Query 2: music of the enlightenment. Once again, this query was typed in exactly as it appears above.
Top 5 results on altavista Query 1: Total results returned: 35,000Query 1: Total results returned: 35,000 I looked at the first 15 results.I looked at the first 15 results. –The top 5 were sponsored links. 4 of the 5 sponsored links were relevant but none of them contained both terms.
Results 6 –15 on altavista for query 1 All of the remaining links did contain both terms of the query.All of the remaining links did contain both terms of the query. –I already knew of 2 sites with prolog tutorials, but only one of those was returned as a result. – 5 out of 10 were a page of links. –1 out of 10 was a sub page of the one listed above it. –1 out of 10 was an advertisement. –1 out of 10 was for visual prolog.
Results for query 1 on about Retuned 8 links total, including one sponsored link.Retuned 8 links total, including one sponsored link. –The sponsored link was for visual prolog. –1 out of the 7 remaining links was useful, it was a page containing links to prolog tutorials. –The remaining 6 pages had nothing to do with prolog.
Results for query 2 on altavista Query 2: Total results returned: 982,000Query 2: Total results returned: 982,000 The top 5 results were sponsored results.The top 5 results were sponsored results. –1 out of the 5 returned my query exactly. –2 out of the 5 were selling music in general –2 out of the 5 were selling music to help you reach spiritual enlightenment.
Results 6-15 on altavista Out of the remaing pages returned, 7 contained the terms of the queryOut of the remaing pages returned, 7 contained the terms of the query –8 out of the 10 remaining results contained both the terms music and enlightenment. –3 out of the 10 only music. –1 of 10 found me a book and was going to let me search libraries where it was available. –3 of the 10 were ads or stores.
Results 6-15 on altavista continued –1 out of 10 was about music and Buddhist enlightenment. –2 of the 10 returned were actually pages from the same site; it contained both terms, but was not about music of the enlightenment. –1 out of 10 was an assignment. –0 out of 10 was what I was looking for.
Results on about Query 2: Total results returned: 286Query 2: Total results returned: 286 –1:10 article about a different type of music. –1:10 using outlook for . –1:10 classical music forum. –1:10 an interview.
Results on about continued –2:10 a column called Solid Sass. –1:10 biography of a German philosopher. –1:10 Ben and Jerry’s. –0: 10 were useful. –0:10 contained both the terms of the query. most contained just music if that. None were about music of the enlightenment.
Overall evaluation On both queries, altavista performed very well, especially compared to about.On both queries, altavista performed very well, especially compared to about. About performed poorly on the first query and extremely poor on the second query.About performed poorly on the first query and extremely poor on the second query. Neither site retuned exactly what I wanted to see.Neither site retuned exactly what I wanted to see.