1 General Well Message Operations Report Real Time Wellbore Wellbore Geometry Risk Directional Drilling Systems Tubular / Bit Record BHA Run Fluids Systems Fluids Report Surface Logging Mud Log Logging While Drilling Log Well Log (includes Wireline) Formation Marker Coring Sidewall Core Conventional Core Surveying Survey Program Target Trajectory Rig Instrumentation Rig / Rig Equipment Cement Job Source: BakerHughes/Paradigm Communication Subscription Server Capabilities Original Updated Added WITSML Data Object Schemas (XML) Coordinate Ref Sys Drill Report Attachment
WITSML Web Services Web Services enables the selecting and transfer of XML objects on remote machines Supports queries for real time and contextual objects Slide 2 User interface control WITSML: Vendor independent XML Service companies Application Data store
WITSML Web Services (“API”) SOAP Interfaces defined in WSDL Store Interface –GetFromStore() –AddToStore() –UpdateInStore() –DeleteFromStore() Publish/Subscribe Interface –Subscribe() Both Interfaces –GetVersion() –GetCapability()
Slide 4 WITSML: Transfer Methods Informal, Discrete –Floppy disk file transfer of XML data files – file transfer On Demand, via Web Services API Client-server model SOAP Store Interface (GetFromStore method) Accumulate and Propagate Receive data from providers in near real-time Support Subscribe via SOAP Publish via HTTP POST Server Client Request Response
5 WITSML Public Web Site
WITSML V1.4 “README” WITSML_v1.4rc_overview_and_normative-schema_30jul2008.zip contains the data schema definitions. –normative data schema specification XSD_Schemas/*.xsd and enumValues, UnitDict, and UnitClass –informative files:./doc,./XML_Examples,./stylesheets, CHANGES.TXT file, /WITSML_Abbreviations.html –browsable overview./doc/WITSML_Schema_docu.htm –browsable schemas./doc/schema/*.html WITSML_v140rc_Variant_Schemas_30jul2008.zip derived data schemas used with web services. WITSML_v1.4rc_API_spec_and_API_schema_30jul2008.zip the API specification and server schemas. 8
WITSML_v1.4rc_overview_and_normative- schema_30jul2008.zip Introduction Data object schema design Naming convention in schemas WITSML Data Objects Schema Variants WITSML Schemas, XML Documents, and Stylesheets Change Summary and Change detail file. File to convert v XML files to v XML files. 9
Introduction Standards for sending well site information in an XML document format between business partners. XML schemas define the content of an XML document. Two specifications: Data Schema and Web Services. A data object schema defines a set of data that can be transmitted within a single WITSML document and represents a cohesive subset (e.g.; well, wellbore, rig, etc.) of an overall logical schema related to a single domain (well). Data object schemas contain attributes, elements, and included component sub-schemas. 10
Data objects - 1 aggregate: to transport multiple objects attachment: a digital attachment to an object [base 64] bhaRun: a run of the drillstring into/out-of the hole. cementJob: a cement job. changeLog: knowledge of object changes in a Server. convCore: a conventional core. [geology, lithology] coordinateReferenceSystem: defines a CRS in GML drillReport: a daily drilling report to partners or agency fluidsReport: an analysis of the drilling mud. formationMarker: a geologic formation in a wellbore. 11
Data Objects - 2 log: the curves on an LWD well log. message: informative message about a related object. mudLog: the information in a mud log. opsReport: a daily drilling report from service company realtime: transient data in (near) realtime mode report: provides context to objects in an aggregate. rig: a drilling rig. risk: risk information about other objects. sidewallCore: a core from the side of a borehole. surveyProgram: description of a directional survey. 12
Data Objects - 3 target: intended targets of a trajectory survey. trajectory: a directional survey in a wellbore. trajectoryStation: a single station in a trajectory survey. tubular: the configuration of a drill string. wbGeometry: the configuration of the permanently installed components in a wellbore. well: general information about a well. wellbore: general information about a wellbore. wellLog: sets of logging curves within one run. Wireline supported. 13
Well Data Object 14
Well Data Object: XML Schema 15
Well Data Object: XML Schema 16
Well Data Object: XML Schema 17
Well Data Object: Example
Well Data Object: Example
Well Data Object: Example as a Report 20
Well Data Object: XSL Transform for Report 21
22 Product Certification Program
23 WITSML Standards: Simplicity and Integration A framework for –Energy companies –Field Service companies –Software providers To –Configure –Deploy –Operate Efficient means of –Collecting –Validating –Integrating –Using Real-time and contextual drilling data.