Successful students have to have good study habits. They apply this to all their classes.
1) Try not to do too much studying at one time. 2) Plan specific times to for study. 3) Try to study at the same times each day. 4) Set specific goals for your study times. 5) Start studying when planned.
6) work on the assignment you find the most difficult first. 7) Review your notes before beginning the assignment. 8) Tell their friends not to call them during their study times. 9) Call another student when they have difficulty with an assignment. 10) review your school work on weekends.
These 10 study habits can help you throughout your education. Make sure they become part of your study habits.
This is because you will become mentally tired and anything you are trying to study could not be taken in. You may not be studying very effectively. Take short breaks in between just to freshen up and rejuvenate your mind.
This study time can be used to do any school related academic activities. This can include reading set work, doing an assignment, homework, etc. Schedule this time through out the week.
Studying at the same time everyday, establishes a routine, this should become part of your everyday life. When this scheduled time comes you will already be mentally prepared to study, making studying easier.
You must have goals when studying, this helps you to monitor your progress for the studying and help you to stay focused. Be clear about what you want to achieve before you sit down and study.
Do not procrastinate, start studying as scheduled and get the task done. You will feel like you have accomplished something and feel much better when you have less to study closer to your due dates.
Start with the difficult assignment/ subject first, as this requires the most of your mental energy. Do this when you are still motivated.
By reviewing your notes you are refreshing your memory with any extra information you may have forgotten and you can clarify what is expected of you. This helps you before a test, because as you are reading you will recall and feel confident that you have done your best.
This is a major disruption and distracts you from your work. Put your social life on hold for a few minutes until your break. By informing your friends of your study time you can avoid disruptions.
In this case “two heads are better than one”
This just helps you to freshen up before the new school week begins, it can help you fill in gaps and be prepared.