GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva VHF Private Broadband Wireless System for Public Safety in Japan Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) Document No:GSC-19_105 Source:Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) Contact:Toshihiro Matsuzaka & Keigo Hasegawa, Hitachi Kokusai Electric Agenda Item:3.5 1
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Japan has lots of disaster 2
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Attacked by Earthquake and Tsunami 11th March, This slide from GSC-18, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Lots of investment and effort in the past 4 Data Gathering Analysis / Decision (Earthquake Phenomena Observation System) Japan Meteorological Agency Local Government Fire Department Information to Citizen Broadcaster Telecomm Operator Local Government 4200 sites around Japan seismometer This slide from GSC-18, July 2014, Sophia Antipolis
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Traditional Radio tools for Public Safety Emergency Radio Fire and Ambulance Radio Traffic Control radio Investigation information Accidents information Directives Location information Disaster information Police Radio But all these are narrow band based, voice (and limited data) only Administrative information Water level information Traffic information 5 25kHz, 32kbps 6.25kHz, 9.6kbps
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva We need broadband for Public Safety! Smart Phones, LTE/3G are enough, correct? 6 No We need broadband as private line for government, municipal offices We need broadband for Public Safety! Disaster may not always happen in the LTE/3G area “Murphy's law” We experienced that LTE/3G base station had damage also on 11 th March, 2011
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Answer from us 7 “VHF Private Broadband Wireless System” (up to 7Mbps in uplink) Non Line-of-Sight (NLoS) Transmission P-MP(1 : 3 ) operation Mobility support (vehicle usage) Light weight ( <8kg ) /small size ( <11L ) System ARIB STD T-103 ( will be included inIEEE802.22b ) Multiple Access/DuplexOFDMA/TDD Frequency band VHF [MHz] Channel bandwidth5 [MHz] ModulationQPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM Error correcting code Convolutional Turbo code Transmission power1W/5W FFT Size1024 [point] This product is designed and manufactured with the technology transfer from NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) Covering the Part of VHF Band III 【 VHF Band III 】 MHz in EU, Asia MHz in the USA used mainly for analog television and digital broadcasting
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Answer from us Battery operation is possible Temporary antenna is enough 8
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Operation introduction 9 2.1km 4.5km Actual Disaster (Land Slide) Area Sarutani Hikitsuchi Akadani Sarutani [m] Hikitsuchi Akadani (Disaster Area) Connect To Optic.NW Severe Non Line of Sight Environment A B C A B C Point C needs to be monitored by camera, but no mean till 2013
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva 10 Heading to Point C
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Point C We set IP camera here 11
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Point B (relay point) 12
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva 13 Point C can be monitored at Point A
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Result 14 Data Direction Modulation (r = 1/2) Transmitted Data rate [kbps] Received Data rate [kbps] PLR [%] A to C QPSK QAM C to A QPSK QAM600 0 Measured by Iperf (60sec, UDP packet ) Sarutani Hikitsuchi Akadani UL UL DL DL Radio Link1 Radio Link2 Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Broadband available at the most severe location/condition 600kbps at 16QAM, relay mode (One channel is divided by 3 segments in case of relay mode) Easy to Setup. Temporary mast is enough Akadani Station A B C C
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Video Extreme condition Typical use 15
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Summary 16 ARIB and manufacturers succeeded in launching new device/system for Public Safety VHF (NLoS based) Broadband This will save more lives
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Thank you 17
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Back up slides 18
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Digital migration (TV) in Japan Previously After Full Digitalization on July 25 th, [MHz] ITS Cellular Phones Terrestrial Digital TV Broadcast (Total of 240MHz) VHF Private Broadband Wireless System [MHz] Other Use Terrestrial Analogue TV Broadcast (Total of 370 MHz) Back ground - Regulation 19
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Upper side (202.5MHz or upper) - Multi-media broadcasting with enough guard band Lower side (170MHz or lower) -Communication line for broadcasting service - Ocean vessel communication - Amateur radio - Aviation/navigation system etc 5MHz Bandwidth in VHF 20 5MHz 170MHz202.5MHz Guard band Multi-media broadcast Other Radio system Frequency
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Indonesia drive test: 16km distance (LoS) 21
GSC-19 Meeting, July 2015, Geneva Indonesia drive test: 17km distance (NLoS) 22 VHF is great frequency