Electrical Energy
Magnetism and Electricity Magnetism and electrical energy are very closely related: Electricity can create a magnetic field (electromagnets) Magnets can induce (generate) a flow of electricity
Motors and Generators Motors turn electrical energy into mechanical energy Generators turn mechanical energy into electrical energy
Energy Resources We get electrical energy from generators by using a variety of resources. The resources in some way induce a magnet to move (turbine) so that electrical current can be induced (a generator). The resources are either renewable or nonrenewable.
Nonrenewable Sources Fossil Fuels Coal, oil, natural gas Nuclear Energy fission
Renewable Sources Solar Hydroelectricity Wind Geothermal Biomass
Conversion Of Energy All sources convert one type of energy into another in order to provide us with electrical energy. Electromagnetic (light), thermal, chemical, mechanical, nuclear, electrical In every case, there is a loss of efficiency due to thermal energy (friction).
Electricity Once it is generated at the power plant it travels to your home through a variety of conductors that control its strength. The conductors themselves have a property called resistance which allows them to change the electrical flow or current of a circuit. Some conductors work better than others.
Circuit Terminology Current - rate of flow of electrons (amperes) Circuit - the path of the current Voltage - the potential difference (energy released) between two parts of a circuit (voltage) Resistance - opposition to flow of current (ohms)
Circuit Types Simple Series and Parallel Complex Combination of all of the above
Series Circuits Only one single loop or path for current to flow. Everything on the loop shares the same current
Parallel Circuits More than one path for current to follow. All loads share the same voltage but not the same current. This allows multiple items such as a hair dryer and a radio to be plugged in to the same outlet. They all get the same amount of energy. This circuit can be overloaded and can cause fires easily. This is why we have fuses and circuit breakers.
Parallel Circuit