Country research
South Korea is a very peaceful country! Its capital is Seoul and is very famous for their k-pop! South Korea is located in Asia, east of China, south of North Korea, and west of Japan. This country is a must-see attraction for travelers, a great place to book a tour and has one of the most interesting histories and backgrounds! Today, I’ll be talking about their resources/economy, government, education, population and their environmental responsibility! I love Korean Dramas ;)
-South Korea’s market economy ranks 5 th in the world by nominal GDP -South Korea is also 12th by purchasing power parity (PPP) and is one of the G-20 major economies -South Korea is a high income developed country, with developed market, and is a member of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) -South Korea is one of the fastest growing economics from ’s -South Korea’s trading partners are China, European, Japan, North Korea, United States
- South Korea has a constitutional republic, presidential system, unitary state (democracy) government mixed together This is a list of the presidents of South Korea. Rhee Syng-man (July 24, 1948–April 26, 1960) Yun bo-seon (August 13, 1960–March 22, 1962) Park chung-hee (December 17, 1963–October 26, 1979) Choi Kyu-hah (1979–1980) Chun Doo-hwan (1980–1988) Roh Tae-woo (1988–1993) Kim Young-sam (February 25, 1993–February 25, 1998) Kim Dae-jung (February 25, 1998–February 25, 2003) Roh Moo-hyun (February 25, 2003–February 25, 2008) Lee Myung-bak (February 25, 2008– February ) Park Geun-hye (Feburuary 25, 2013-Present)
-Local Korean schools that are public elementary are free of charge -International and foreign schools are available in big cities such as Seoul, but they cost 12,000-20,000 US$ or more -Children go there through 6 years of primary education, 3 years of middle school, and 3 years of high school
-South Korea’s population is million in 2011
-South Korea has many sources of energy such as thermal, nuclear, hydro, cogeneration, steam-heating, and renewable energy Wind Power Water Biomass
korea-15576/education-and-etiquette-in-south-korea legacy-of-kim-jong-il/2011/12/19/gIQA4osP4O_blog.html hye.htm
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