D IGITAL M EDIA S OFTWARE Animation Drawing DVD Authoring Image Editing Painting Podcasting File Conversion Audio Video Web Design Page Layout
A NIMATION S OFTWARE Software that takes independent pictures or frames and puts them together to form the illusion of continuous motion
D RAWING S OFTWARE Software used to create vector graphics; can draw freehand or use geometric shapes –Example: Adobe Illustrator, (Photoshop has limited abilities)
DVD A UTHORING S OFTWARE Software that is aimed primarily at converting videos, complete with titles and menus, into DVD movies that can be played on a DVD player
F ILE C ONVERSION S OFTWARE Programs used to convert a file from one format to another; i.e. convert a wave file to an mp3
I MAGE E DITING S OFTWARE Software designed to edit, manipulate, or modify digital photographs –Example: Photoshop, Picasa, GIMP
P AGE L AYOUT S OFTWARE Software designed to combine text and graphics to create professional print-ready publications. –Example: Publisher, InDesign, QuarkXPress, CorelDraw, etc.
P AINTING S OFTWARE Programs used to create bitmap images; useful in creating original art; uses brushes and pens to create images –Example: Paint, Corel PainterX –Most image-editing programs like Photoshop include this capability
P ODCASTING S OFTWARE A collection of programs used to create, broadcast, and receive podcasts –Example: iTunes, RSS, Podcast Blaster Podcast: a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player
A UDIO S OFTWARE S OUND R ECORDING /E DITING Software used to record, edit and manipulate audio files –Examples: Audacity, Goldwave, Acoustica, Garage Band (Apple), Audition
V IDEO S OFTWARE Programs used to capture, edit, and manipulate video images, add effects, titles and music to create studio-quality video –Examples: Premiere, Premiere Elements, Final Cut Pro (Apple), iMovie, MovieMaker
W EB D ESIGN S OFTWARE Programs used to design and create single web pages and entire web sites –Examples: Dreamweaver, CoffeeCup, Expression Web
E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS B EFORE P URCHASING S OFTWARE What does it cost? What operating system is required? What’s the learning curve? What features do I need? What can it do for me? What media file types will it import/export?