Zack Lane ReCAP Coordinator September 2012 ReCAP Columbia University
ReCAP Columbia University Status management applies to how CUL knows what is and is not available for request at ReCAP CUL and ReCAP maintain separate record keeping systems that are synchronized on daily basis This presentation illustrates how the two databases are kept in sync Schematic drawings simplify the process visually
ReCAP Columbia University Item must be accessioned at ReCAP Status at ReCAP must be ◦ In and At Rest ◦ Refile Status Out on Return indicates that the book has been retrieved and delivered to Columbia Items Out on Return are unavailable for request
ReCAP Columbia University There are four primary statuses in LAS ◦ In and At Rest : On shelf and available ◦ Refile : Received, available but not yet on shelf ◦ Out on Return : Not on shelf and unavailable ◦ PWI/PWD : Permanently withdrawn from ReCAP In and At Rest Out on Return Refile PWI /PWD
ReCAP Columbia University CUL has a dynamic model for request via CLIO Availability is immediately updated after request Multiple requests for the same object are prevented Information about requests is archived Subsequent request permitted after refile at ReCAP
ReCAP Columbia University (a) moment of request = (b) retrieved by ReCAP, routed for delivery (c) received by CUL and charged (d) returned to CUL Circ and discharged (e) received by ReCAP and refiled a b 1 day 2-4 days1day to5 years d ec charged in CLIO
ReCAP Columbia University a b 1 day 2-4 days1day to5 years d ec charged in CLIO Item is available for request before (a) and after (e) Presence of barcode in Pending Directory, then “Big File” prevents request between (a) and (e) Active charge prevents request between (c) and (d)
ReCAP Columbia University + - Pending Directory Request Submission Tracking Database Request Directory + LAS (ReCAP) “Big File” (CUL)
ReCAP Columbia University Patron clicks on “Submit” button Item barcode is copied into three separate files These files allow CUL to… ◦ alert ReCAP of retrievals ◦ log data for patron notification and record keeping ◦ maintain integrity of status management Pending Directory Request Submission Tracking Database Request Directory
ReCAP Columbia University Request data accumulates for transfer to ReCAP at 7:15am, 11:45am and 2:45pm Subsequent requests for same item are prevented by automatic check of Pending Directory Pending Directory Request Submission
ReCAP Columbia University Three times daily (Mon-Fri) data from Pending Directory is sent to ReCAP ReCAP returns an error report of failed requests Contents of Pending Directory are cleared daily Pending Directory + LAS (ReCAP)
ReCAP Columbia University All requests are logged in the Tracking Database (including failed requests) rus draws data from the Tracking Database rus rus is used to notify patrons after ReCAP delivers item Request Submission Tracking Database
ReCAP Columbia University Request directory used to maintain integrity of status management Feeds into “Big File,” which tracks all items Out on Return from ReCAP Request Submission Request Directory
ReCAP Columbia University “Big File” tracks unavailable ReCAP books that are Out on Return CLIO and LAS do not have a dynamic connection CUL must keep a separate record of items Out on Return from ReCAP This is how CUL knows what is not available for request + - “Big File” (CUL)
ReCAP Columbia University Every weekday morning a daily run removes available barcodes from “Big File” Items with status In and At Rest and Refile in LAS are removed from “Big File” They are now again available for request in CLIO LAS (ReCAP) “Big File” (CUL)
ReCAP Columbia University Status management preserves the integrity of availability Patrons place requests confident that collections will arrive quickly a b 1 day 2-4 days1day to5 years d ec charged in CLIO
ReCAP Columbia University LITO staff have designed mechanisms to control access and insert request buttons ◦ Access Permissions : How access to CUL’s Offsite collections is controlled Access Permissions ◦ The Offsite Request Button : How and when it appears in CLIO The Offsite Request Button CUL staff have several methods to request material - all methods log and archive data ◦ ReCAP Request Mechanisms : Describes different mechanisms used to request from ReCAP ReCAP Request Mechanisms