School Board Report 2010 Academic Summer School (7-12) Scott Meyers, 7-12 Summer School Coordinator Jen Beeman, Administrative Intern
Overview Academic Summer School Grades 7-12 Designed to help students stay on target to graduate Based on credit recovery for grades 9-12 Focuses on reading and math for grades 7-8 Offers a variety of classes required for senior high students 7th/8th graders now attend summer school with the high school students
Qualifying for Summer School Must have a parent and teacher/principal signed intake form (Continuous Learning Plan or CLP) describing how they qualify for summer school services
Qualfication Criteria LEP (Limited English proficiency) Special Education – Not attending ESY One year or more behind in coursework Below the 40 th %ile on standardized assessment, ex. NWEA Behind in credits for graduation
Basic Program Guidelines Student membership and attendance is reported in hours to Lynda Stanley, she in turn, reports to District 287 for eventual state reporting and funding Transportation for junior high students is paid for from the summer school budget Transportation for “Choice is Yours” high school students is paid for by Targeted Services Only students who attended SLP schools are able to attend summer school
Important Facts about Summer School Students were identified by in spring 2010 with collaboration from junior high and senior high staff The teacher selection process involved encouragement by principals and subsequent interviews by administration (for “new to summer school” teachers)
Important Facts about Summer School Continued Summer School occurred June 14 th -July 22nd, with the week of July 5 th off (4th of July holiday) Monday - Thursday, 4 hours/day, for 5 weeks (80 hours for grades 7 & 8) Monday - Thursday, 3 hours/day/class, for 5 weeks (60 hours for grades 9-12) Students attend summer school classes at the junior high
Summer School Day Grades 7 & 8 Breakfast started at 7:30am everyday 8:00am school started Reading/Math 2 hour block Break Math/Reading 2 hour block Buses loaded/left by 12:00pm each day
Summer School Day Grades 9-12 Breakfast started at 7:30am everyday 8:00am school started Class Session #1 (breaks included) Students dismissed at 11:00am Lunch Break Class Session #2 (breaks included) Students dismissed at 2:30pm
“Fuel-Up! for success” program 1 st summer of the breakfast program Federal Breakfast Program Breakfast served to all students attending summer school, regardless of income “No charge” Students were able to choose either “hot” or “cold” breakfast
Summer School Planning and Grading Continuous Learning Plans with learning objectives for all classes were completed by collaboration between regular year and summer school staff Lessons and activities were designed by summer school staff to meet the goals of the CLPs Pre and post data was collected for each student Final report sent home to each family describing class performance, attendance, activities, and comments for the student
Summer School Attendance 272 continuous learning plans were collected 260 students started day 1 Week 1 = 260 Week 2 = 259 Week 3 = 256 Week 4 = 252 Week 5 = 255 (all weekly values averaged) 17 classrooms were staffed with teachers and paraprofessionals from across the district, plus 4 external teachers
Goals for 2011 Streamline enrollment process with deans and counselors To clarify expectations and program structure for parents To allow more recruiting/hiring time of highly qualified staff Continue to incorporate diagnostic curriculum tools to help meet students where their specific needs are Explore possibilities of expanding Plato and other online resources to help provide rigorous curriculum Continue to incorporate technology to provide culturally relevant teaching and to help keep parents and students connected to progress during summer sessions
Thank you to all those who make summer school possible! SLP Students and Parents Junior High Deans & Senior High Counselors Cheryl Broady- Summer School Administrative Assistant Steve Tollefsrud & Dave Oleson- Custodians Judy Houseman- Head Summer Cook Tom Burr and staff of SLP Transportation 9 Bus Drivers 17 Summer School Teachers 4 Summer School Paraprofessionals 3 Summer School Substitute Teachers Scotty Anderson - Buildings & Grounds Kathy Milbrath – Food Services Coordinator Lynda Stanley - District Office Dr. Debra Bowers - Superintendent Mr. Bob Laney - Assistant Superintendent