Class of 2015 Fall Senior Meeting
Agenda Know your Status: Pathway to Diplomas Know your future: Pathway to college Senior Dues Senior Events Class officer elections
Know your status: Pathway to Diplomas To be considered a “TRUE” Senior, you must have at least 17.5 Credits. If you DO NOT have at least 17.5 Credits, you will be Re-Classified as Junior. Only “TRUE” Seniors will be allowed to participate in Senior events, including class trips, Senior pinning ceremony, prom, and graduation.
Know your status: Pathway to Diplomas How do you know your status? Check your Student Connect Account. Go to Transcripts. Look at your total credits. Have you ever failed a class? If not, you are likely on-track. Refer to #1. Have you failed one class, but passed it during summer school or E20/20? If so, you are likely on-track. Refer to #1. Have you failed more than one class, and you haven’t passed them in summer school or E20/20? You are likely off-track. You will not be eligible to participate in Senior Activities at this time.
Know your status: Pathway to Diplomas There will be a Senior Status Check after the 1st Semester grades have been posted in January. After second semester, you will need to have at least 20.5 credits to become eligible for Senior Activities. Students who previously were not eligible will now become eligible, and will be invited to participate all Senior Activities.
Know your future: Pathway to college Before Thanksgiving – Apply to 5 Colleges: 1 Tough, 3 Challenging, 1 Easy Use to apply to multiple colleges. Use to apply to 35 HBCU’s for only $35. Arrange for college tours. Many will allow you see classes, dorms, and campus activities Don’t overlook community colleges & trade schools. They support great careers too! Attend Collegepalooza on Nov. 20th! Tons of colleges will be there! Before Christmas – Look for early college acceptance letters!
Senior Dues Look at the Senior Dues handout ONLY “True” Seniors will pay dues at this time. Second Status check in January will determine which seniors have caught up. Fill-In & Complete your Senior Dues application NOW. The First Payment (September 18TH) is CRITICAL to getting T-Shirts in time for Pep-Rally.
Senior events Graduation – Sunday, June 7th, 2014 10:00AM – Chene Park Prom – Thursday, May 28th, 2015 – Location TBD Senior Pinning Ceremony – Thursday, FEBRUARY 5th, 2015- Burton Manor Senior Trip (Fall) – Hallo-weekend – Saturday, October 18th, 2014 Please refer to handout to see full list of dates.
Class Officer Elections Current Class Officers – Class Secretary – Lena Starling Class Treasurer –LaTisha Baker Class Rep – NiNesha Baker Vacant Class Officer Positions President – Elections will be held on Friday, September 19th During your 12th Grade ELA Class. If you don’t have one, see me for a ballot Before the end of Friday. Any “True” Senior, with a G.P.A. of a 2.0 or above may apply for office.
Class officer duties Class President: Class Treasurer: Class Rep: Works closely with Senior Sponsor to plan & implement all events. Coordinates & supervises other officers. Class Treasurer: Works closely with Senior Sponsor to create budget, collect funds, fundraise, and monitor finances of the Senior Class. Class Rep: Works with class officers to provide consultation on Senior events & activities. Assists in event planning & implementation. Class Secretary: Works closely with Senior Sponsor to communicate & publicize events & critical information. Provides documentation for all meetings.