Preparing for your Senior Year Meade High School School Counseling and Guidance Department June 11, 2015
Meade School Counseling Staff Ms. Taisha Rodriguez Mr. Ronnie Richmond Mrs. Britt Lewis Mrs. Kandice Smith Mr. Jeffrey Robinson Mrs. Bianca Pilewski (Dept. Chair) Mrs. Tiffany Spalding
I can’t wait to be a Senior! Rising Freshman
You’re a Senior!
Senior Academic Expectations Attend school and all classes everyday Study and complete all assigned work Focus on your GPA Get involved Be a Role Model- Exhibit the Mustang Code Use Naviance often Meet all Deadlines
Senior Status Graduation RequirementsSenior Status 26 Credits 4 English 3 Social Studies ◦Government, US History, World History 3 Science ◦Biology + 2 lab sciences 4 YEARS Math ◦Algebra 1, Geometry + 2 higher mathematics 1 Physical Education ◦Fitness for Life + fitness elective ½ Health 1 Technology 1 Fine Arts 8.5 Electives 75 Hours Student Service Learning High School Assessments Completer program 20 Graduation Credits Student Service Learning High School Assessments or Bridge eligible
Dates to Remember HINT: put in the calendar of your phone August 25 – First Day of School October 5-9 HSA exams October – SAT senior priority October – ACT senior priority October 30– End of marking period 1 November – College Applications due January 1 – FAFSA PIN January 5-14 HSA exams January Semester exams January 22 – End of semester 1 January 31 – College Applications due January 31 – All student service hours completed February 14 – FAFSA completion April 11 – End of third marking period April 4-8 – HSA exams May - AP exams May - IB exams May - Prom May – Senior exams May 26 – Last day for seniors June Graduation
Credit Recovery Options Summer School ◦ July 7-August 6 Twilight School Evening High School
Ms. Moore Ms. Moore Senior Class Advisor
Class Officers ◦Senior Class President -Infinity Navarro ◦Senior Class Vice President - Maliyah Davis ◦Senior Class Treasurer -Alexus Leary ◦Senior Class Secretary- Tiara Williams
Junior/Senior dues The rising senior class officers have made junior dues $40 and the final day to pay them is tomorrow, June 12 th. Cash/Checks are accepted, checks can be made out to Meade High School. Senior Dues are starting at $70 but you get a $20 discount if you pay before Thanksgiving break. If you would like to pay your Junior/Senior dues, please see Mrs. Moore.
C/o 2016 Prom Survey The rising senior class has created a survey to help plan senior prom. We are asking every class of 2016 student to take the survey to decide… If they’re going to prom next year If they plan on bringing a guest (underclassmen or person who does not attend Meade High School) What type of theme they want Whether they want a photo booth or not If they plan on eating, and what type of foods they would like Whether or not they would like prom favors aire
Remind 10 This year, for the senior class, we have set up a Remind 101 account. It is easy for you or your child to join to stay up to date on senior year. For , please You can leave subject and message blank.
Prom Venues We have looked at 5-6 venues and have narrowed it down to two. Martin’s West ◦6817 Dogwood Road, Baltimore, MD, Bleues on the Water ◦7696 Altoona Beach Road, Glen Burnie, MD, 21060
Senior Fundraiser Fall Fundraiser Prom incentive Proposed dates-September 11 th -28 th, 2015 (dates are subject to change) Kona Ice Proposed Dates (dates are subject to change at anytime) September 4 th, 2015 September 25 th, 2015 Panera Bread Proposed Dates (dates are subject to change at anytime) October 5 th, 2015 Chick Fil A Chipotle Winter/ Spring Fundraiser Senior Dues and Prom Incentive Proposed Dates- February 12 th -28 th, 2016 (dates are subject to change at anytime) Panera Bread Fundraiser Proposed Dates (Dates are subjected to change at anytime) March 7 th, 2016 Chipotle Chick Fil A
High School is your Bridge to your Future!
GPA Un-Weighted GPAWeighted GPA A student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) is determined by quality points earned from all courses taken in grades This includes required courses and electives. Points are earned at the following rate: A=4 points B=3 points C=2 points D=1 point E=0 points Honors courses: A=4.5 B=3.5 C=2 D=1 E=0 AP and IB courses: A=5 B=4 C=2 D=1 E=0 Report Card vs Transcript
Class Rank Class rank is based on final semester weighted average in all subjects taken in grades Class rank is first determined at the end of the sixth semester (junior year). Class rank is re-calculated at the end of the first semester of the senior year and at the end of the senior year. Students having the same GPA are assigned the same rank.
Naviance One Stop ShopTasks to complete Naviance is an online support for managing the post-secondary process. College Tab Career Tab About Me Counselors use Naviance to share important information as well as search for potential scholarship recipients Teachers can be contacted via Naviance for recommendations Learning Style Inventory Do What You Are Career Interest Profiler My Game Plan Brag Sheet FAFSA Forecaster Resume
Transcripts and others documents Ordering TranscriptsOther Documents Naviance Paper request form in School Counseling Each student will get 5 hardcopy official transcripts, plus their final at the end of June for FREE. Additional transcripts for Applications are available for $2.00 per transcript. Transcripts for Scholarships are FREE 72 hr processing time Letters of Recommendation ◦Naviance ◦Meade Website Printable ◦Counseling Center Work permits ◦MD Division of Labor ◦ ◦No longer processed by the school ◦Requires only a parental signature
Testing SATACT ◦Aptitude test 3 components ◦Critical Reasoning, Mathematics, and a required Writing Test Scale of 2400, with each section worth 800 points. Correction for guessing- 1/4 of a point off for each wrong answer Fee-Waivers School code Be prepared to make college choices Achievement test 5 components ◦English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing Test Based on the number of correct answers-no penalty for guessing Each subject test is scored 1 to 36, and scores are averaged to create composite score Fee-Waivers
Sending SAT and ACT scores Create your account online ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦Remember your login information ◦Both sites provide more then testing Remember to include MHS school code ◦ Have a list of colleges/schools you are interested in ready when you register
College Fairs Over night college tour featuring Old Dominion – October 14 National Performing & Visual Arts College Fair - Washington DC ◦Sunday, October 18 National College Fair Baltimore Convention Center ◦Monday, October 12 ◦Tuesday, October 13 October 28 - Meade High School College Fair
ECAP Early College Access Program Process Partnership between Anne Arundel Public Schools and Anne Arundel Community College which allows students to enroll in college courses while they are in high school. High School 11 th or 12 th graders 16 years of age Minimum GPA of 2.0 Counselor recommendation Fill out application Take Accuplacer Return forms to counselor Register for course Copy of registration form to counselor
Life after High School Plan Search for schools or programs Applications- watch for deadlines Financial Aid Decision Acceptance It’s a Process
Most important factor? Grades in academic courses ◦Plan your time ◦Complete homework ◦Learn to study ◦Take advantage of tutoring ◦Make appropriate adjustments ◦ATTEND
Financial Aid Types of Financial Aid Federal Student Aid Scholarship Grants Work-study Loans Naviance ◦Information & Links Not just for college FAFSA – “Free Application for Federal Student Aid” FAFSA4caster – Naviance FAFSA PIN
Summer TO DO List Senior meeting Prepare for Fall SAT and ACT Research schools Take virtual or real tours Personal Statement – “Your Story” Summer Assignments Create or update accounts ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦Naviance Athletes update Core GPA and review NCAA eligibility rules ◦ and Please hand in Folder Signed Senior Contract Signed AP Contract Address Card