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Presentation transcript:

Appendicular Skeleton Monday, December 3rd

The Appendicular Skeleton Consists of: The upper limbs The lower limbs Girdles

The Pectoral Girdle Shoulder girdle 2 clavicles 2 scapulae Clavicle = collar bone Scapula = shoulder blade Flat Irregular

The Shoulder Blade Scapulae Stretches from the shoulder to the vertebral column Back side has a bony ridge for muscle attachment This forms the ACROMION above the shoulder joint Beneath the collar bone and on the inside of the shoulder joint The CORACOID process Another site for muscle attachment Upper outer corner of the shoulder blade Ends in the GLENOID CAVITY Ball and socket joint

The Pectoral Girdle Glenoid fossa – arm socket with the head of the humerus Sternoclavicular joint – bony joint attaches the girdle to the trunk

The Collar Bone Clavicles Rod shaped and roughly S shaped Lateral end articulated with the acromium Serve as a support for the shoulder blades in the front Keep the shoulder blades back so that the arms can hang freely at the sides of the body Prevent the pectoral girdles from getting out of joint easily

The Upper Limbs The Upper Limbs are divided into 5 main regions: Upper arm bone Forearm Wrist Palm Fingers

The Upper Arm Single long bone Superior end – ball & socket joint with shoulder blade Inferior end – ball & socket joint with the radius; hinge joint with the ulna

The Upper Arm

The Lower Arm Radius & ulna Ulna – larger of 2 bones Situated on the inner side of the body Superior end articulates with the humerus – ELBOW Inferior end is slender – plays minor role in wrist joint formation Radius Situated on the outer side (same side as the thumb) Superior end articulates with humerus AND the ulna Inferior end – forms major part of the wrist Allows the forearm to be rotated

The Lower Arm

The Wrist Consists of 8 carpal bones Short, small bones arranged in 2 rows of 4 Articulating facets which allow them to slide over one another

The Palm Supported by 5 long metacarpals Metacarpals articulate with carpels at one end and with the phalanges at the other end

The Fingers Made up of 14 phalanges Fingers 3 phalanges in each finger Thumb 2 phalanges in each thumb

The Lower Limbs Tuesday, December 4th

What will be on the TEST For each area, refer to the list of APPENDICULAR BONES I have looked at the test – the EXACT ones are on there! You may have to look at a couple of different worksheets that I have handed out to you, but TRUST ME - they are all there!

The Lower Limbs There are 32 bones found in the lower limbs Hip bone (1) (the rest are per leg) Femur (1) Patella (1) Tibia (1) Fibula (1) Tarsals (8) Metatarsals (5) Proximal phlanges (5) Intermediate phalanges (5) Distal phalanges (4)

Pelvis The hip bone is originally made up of 3 bones that have fused together: 1. ilium 2. ischium 3. pubis These 3 bones come together at the acetablum

Leg Bones Femur Aka thigh bone Largest bone in the body The head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum Patella Knee cap

Leg Bones Tibia Aka the shinbone Articulates with the femur and the talus (ankle) Carries all of the body’s weight Medial side of the body (inside) Fibula Runs parallel to the tibia Acts as a stabilizer Articulates with the tibia and the talus Found on the lateral side

Ankle & Foot Hindfoot - Heel and ankle Talus bone support the leg bones Form the ankle Calcaneous – largest bone in the foot Forms the heel Midfoot – arches 3 cuneiform bones Cuboid bone Navicular bone Forefoot 5 longer bones - metatarsals 5 toes – phalanges