1 Solar 2015 Ivor Frischknecht Chief Executive Officer 14 May 2015
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4 Mount Bischoff Mine (1883) Tasmania’s first hydro electric generating plant Source:
5 The last remaining turbine from the Salmon Beach Wind Farm
6 Greenough River Solar Farm, WA Source: Australia’s first large scale 10 MW solar farm
7 FUNDING $ 2.5 billion to 2022 (nearly $1.5 billion still available): Projects R & D Knowledge Capture & Sharing 2. Increase supply of renewable energy ARENA’s objectives OBJECTIVES 1. I mprove competitiveness of renewable energy technologies Knowledge Mandated obligation to collect, store & disseminate knowledge & learning from renewable energy projects & initiatives that ARENA funds HOW 1. Improve the technical and commercial readiness of technologies in Australia 2. Address current energy issues through renewable energy
8 Large solar costs more than wind
9 Augusta, WA Australia is leading the residential rooftop solar revolution
10 60% of residential PV costs are local and in your control $2.40/W 25% 21% 14% 40% non-controllable, coming down globally ^ Permitting, Inspection and Interconnection * Other includes sales tax, fees, margins, other administrative and indirect costs. Source: Rocky Mountain Institute, July 2014, based on 2013 data
11 Germany has lower installation labour and hardware costs 30c/W ^ Permitting, Inspection and Interconnection * Other includes sales tax, fees, margins, other administrative and indirect costs. Source: Rocky Mountain Institute, July 2014, based on 2013 data
12 Potential for efficiency gains in installation processes Off-roof electrical costs driven by connecting inverters to electrical panels Potential for more automation, less labour intensive installation, and using modern rail-less racking systems could drive down costs even further * Non-Production includes clean-up time, breaks, and other tasks Source: Rocky Mountain Institute, July 2014, based on 2013 data
13 5kW in Perth = 4kW in Canberra Source: SolarChoice, May 2015 PV Prices, adjusted for REC rebates.
14 At the Powerwall launch and beyond, Tesla has managed to generate serious interest in something that really isn’t all that sexy – a backup household battery system.
15 Want to know more? Arena.gov.au ARENA at on Twitter Subscribe to updates: arena.gov.au/subscribe