Eurojumelages Activities Questionnaire Presentation June 2007
Purpose & Approach To establish if our current activities are still relevant to our members in 2007 To find out if our members would participate in the new activities the CA had identified Questionnaire developed and sent to country delegates for distribution to groups Questionnaire issued to CA on 09 February Last date for questionnaire returns 02 May
Completed Questionnaires By Country Germany102 France 80 United Kingdom 55 Poland 48 Romania 12 Switzerland 10 Others 4 Total311 [by e mail 184 & by post 129]
Current Activities What Our Members Said Yes NoNo Response Group Visits94% 2% 4% Language Courses71% 4% 25% Youth Seminars53% 8% 39% International Holidays60% 8% 32% Pen Pals69% 6% 25% Attended Congress 26%74% [Berlin or Dublin]
New Activities What Our Members Said Yes Yes/Maybe No No Response Individual Visits 53% 88% 10% 2% Multi Group Visits 64% 88% 9% 3% House Exchange 25% 53% 45% 2% Work Exchange 21% 38% 22% 40% Au Pair 23% 44% 45% 11% Theme Holidays 51% 83% 14% 3% Sporting Holidays 32% 73% 23% 4%
Age Profile Information Average age of Jumeleurs by country: Germany60 France57oldest 89 years United Kingdom58 Poland43youngest 17 years Romania44 Switzerland47 Only 5 people under 30 completed the questionnaire
Key Facts [Data Analysis] Traditional activities such as group visits and language courses are still supported Nearly 40% of people did not respond about youth seminars, this reflects the age profile of Eurojumelages members People are in favour of International holiday weeks but only 20% have participated in the last 3 years but…. People are very interested in more and varied types of multi group events based on a theme Over half of the people said they would be interested meeting with other jumeleurs individually The question about work exchanges was omitted from the German translation
Conclusion/Recommendation Communication about events needs to improve – people don’t seem to know what’s going on Web site should improve this but written communication still required Survey indicates: Group visits, language courses, individual visits Theme and sport based international multi group visits Youth Seminars, house exchanges Au pair work, work exchange
Next Steps Council of Administration to decide Stay the same or change the activities portfolio Which activities will make up the new portfolio How to develop activities specifications How to feed back to questionnaire participants When to launch revised portfolio ie Zurich Congress
Team Effort Thanks to the following people for their help in preparing and translating the questionnaire Martin NissenMike Townsend Frank ThaysenMike Ayres Norma SpenceWilli Utzinger