Looking for the Perfect School Overview of Types of Schools
International Baccalaureate Schools The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Organizing Ideas Fundamental Concepts: Holistic Learning, Intercultural Awareness, and Communication Areas of Interaction: Approaches to Learning, Environment, Health & Social Education, Community & Service, Human Ingenuity.
Programme Models Middle Years Programme (MYP) Diploma Years Programme (DP)
IB Learner Profile Inquirers Open Minded KnowledgeableCaring KnowledgeableCaring Thinkers Risk Takers Thinkers Risk Takers CommunicatorsBalanced PrincipledReflective
Expeditionary Learning Schools
Five Core Principles Learning Expeditions- Project-based learning, service learning, fieldwork, local resources, guiding questions Active Pedagogy- Reading and writing, cross-discipline K-12, social studies, science, and math. All inquiry-based! School Culture and Character- Adventure, fitness, family engagement Leadership and School Improvement- Continuous improvement, data, leadership training Structures - Student and adult learning, getting to know students
Expeditionary Students Fostering of school-wide character traits Mentorships/internships with school/community members Have an advocate (one per student from the staff) Take part in flexible grouping for classes, advisories
Program Models Genessee Community Charter School (K-8) Rocky Mountain School of Exeditionary Learning (K-12) School without Walls (9-12)
Magnet Schools
Main Ideas District School which may cross traditional boundaries Focused on a theme of learning ie The Arts May have an entrance exam, interviews, or auditions before a student can qualify to attend the school
aka Lab Schools Professional Development Schools
Main Ideas Started at the University of Chicago by John Dewey in Usually connected with a University and faculty may be interchanged or work together on a regular basis. The classroom is a sight for active research and reflection on learning practices.
Charter Schools Part of a District School Plan Many charters are public schools, with no entrance requirements. Usually organized around a theme Districts may control the amount of students allowed to be enrolled.
Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) Created in 1994 by Dave Kevin and Mike Feinberg. Former TFA members. School Day 7:30-5:00 M-F 8:30-1:30 2 Saturday's a week. Summer Institutes are held as well. Parent meeting and contract required for enrollment. The goal is to get students into college no matter what.
Big Picture Schools Created in Providence, RI in 1995 by Dennis Littky and Elliot Washer. Schools are also known as the MET Motto: Education is Everyone’s Business Focus on individual students learning and community interactions
Big Picture Schools cont’d 5 Learning Goals: Empirical Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Communication, Social Reasoning, Personal Qualities 4 Schools in Detroit- University Prep Academy Elementary, Middle and High School and University Prep Science and Math Middle School Expansion Funding Grants given by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Charter Preparation for Interviews How long have they been around and who is their management company? Know their theme/focus Ask about induction and curriculum support Ask about their school calendar/day to see what other roles or commitments you may be doing Know how much chaos you can handle.