Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) Karen Schroeder EDT 180 Portions of this presentation are being used under Fair Use guidelines. Further distribution or duplication is prohibited.
Purpose *To constructively adventure, explore, and interact with a community of other players around the world to accomplish tasks that one player could not do alone. -Leveling up -Bosses -Missions -Dungeons -Events -Chat room -Quests 2 Microsoft Clipart
Popular Features *Chat /say /party /shout /alliance /yell /free company /tell /linkshell 3
Popular Features *Auction House -Interaction through buying and selling items, armor, and weapons 4 Microsoft Clipart
Popular Features *Achievement System -Rewarded for gaining experience points, gil (money), or completing tasks like quests and missions that further the storyline. 5
Intended Audience 6 Japan North America United Kingdom France Germany Australia New Zealand Norway Sweden Denmark Finland
Characteristics of Social Media ConversationOpennessParticipationCommunityConnectedness 7 Microsoft Clipart
Uses *RPG play in a vast continuously changing online world *Online community 8
Background Information and Interest Final Fantasy XIV © 2012
It’s awesome. 10
Why you might be interested. Starting CitiesRacesClassesMMO GridaniaHyurDISCIPLES OF WAR Vast land to discover Limsa LominsaElezenDISCIPLES OF MAGIC Interesting Storyline Ul’dahMiqo’teDISCIPLES OF THE HAND Helpful Community LalafellDISCIPLES OF THE LAND Beautiful Graphics RoegadynReasonable achievement in small segments 11 Microsoft Clipart
I used it. 12
Embark on your own adventure in Eorzea! 13
Thank you for attending class today… 14, Microsoft Clipart, Distant Worlds; Nobuo Uematsu © 2009 You’ve got mail, Kupo!