Last Class… Discovered a lot of information in just one class Who were some of the groups? Which groups came first? Which were the most complicated?
What is a Religion? Discuss in Groups of 4! What are some religions that you know about? What characteristics do those religions share? What makes a collection of ideas a religion?
Today: We Learn About Shinto! What is Shinto? Is it a religion? What beliefs are part of Shinto? What effect does Shinto have on the Japanese?
The History of Shinto The oldest known belief system in Japan May be as old as 1,000 BCE Has no book or laws like the Bible in Christianity or the Quran in Islam Was likely practiced by the Jomon, but the ideas would have been adopted and added to by the Yayoi after they reached Japan from Korea
Shinto: Links to Geography Believe that gods or spirits called ‘kami’ live in the world around us Kami can be anything that inspires ‘awe’ in people Can be found in things like mountains, rivers, oceans, stones, or in great people (past or present) Shrines are built to house these spirits
Links to the People Main ‘kami’ of Shinto is Amaterasu, the god of the sun During the Kofun Period, the Yamato clan claimed to be the descendents of Amaterasu This gave justification for their rule The emperor of Japan has been a member of the Yamato clan
What Do You Think Followers of Shinto Value? What do we value? Get into your groups again, and think of 3 things that followers of Shinto would value in their society After about 10 minutes I’ll ask each group to share what they came up with
Assignment Time! Shinto Shrines are placed near places that inspire awe Where would you put a Shinto shrine? Create an image of a Shinto shrine on or near the location you choose Write half a page about why you would choose that location