Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Community Services Precincts Group Community Service CentreHome Island Cultural & Heritage (Pulu Kokos Museum)Home Island Cultural & Heritage (Pulu Gangsa Cemetery)Home Island Cultural & Heritage (Oceania House Gardens)Home Island Emergency ServicesHome & West Island HousingHome & West Island Sports & RecreationHome & West Island
Community Service Centre Precinct RATIONALE: Existing community services are spread haphazardly around the Kampong in whatever building space that is available. These premises are substandard, have poor access and do not contain essential services such as toilets, running water and sewerage; Poor access to aging population; Collocation will encourage sharing of facilities and resources, and avoid the duplication of amenities. GOAL: To provide a centrally located facility which will collocate all existing and future community services.
Community Service Centre Precinct (cont.) FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Regional Partnerships Lotterywest Collocation Funding AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: IOGTA Australia Post Commonwealth Bank (Co-op) Centrelink Community Service Office IOTHS Playgroup TEAM RESPONSIBLE : CEO Director of Community Development Purchasing Officer Info/Project Officer PROPOSAL: To convert existing heritage listed canteen building, including a suitable extension, to collocate all community services such as: Telecentre Postal and Bank Agencies Indian Ocean Group Training Assoc. Centrelink Community Services Visiting professionals office space Seniors activities Playgroup
Cultural and Heritage Precinct (Pulu Kokos Museum) RATIONALE: Existing museum is utilising valuable office administration space required by Council; Heritage listed Copra Industry workshops and stores could be converted to accommodate museum articles as well as form part of the heritage interpretation; Restoration and purpose for Copra Sheds. GOAL: To provide a Cultural and Heritage precinct that will both, preserve the Cocos (Keeling) Islands heritage and culture as well as provide a significant attraction to visiting tourists to the island.
Cultural and Heritage Precinct (Pulu Kokos Museum) (cont.) PROPOSAL: Refurbish Copra stores for conservation purposes as well as to serve as the museum; Landscape precinct for visitor attraction; Construct structures that preserve old barge and ferry; Establish a visitor information centre and design an interpretation and trials network for visitors; Relocate Mosque. FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Regional Infrastructure Funding Lotterywest Australian Heritage Trust Regional Partnerships AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: Youth Group Indian Ocean Group Training Assoc. TEAM RESPONSIBLE : CEO Director of Community Services Executive Support Creditor Clerk
Cultural and Heritage Precinct (Pulu Gangsa) RATIONALE: To preserve existing headstones; The need to restore dilapidated headstones and name unmarked graves; Planning for future expansion. GOAL: To preserve the cultural and heritage significance of the Pulu Gangsa Home Island Cemetery
Cultural and Heritage Precinct (Pulu Gangsa) (cont) FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Lotterywest Council’s own resources AGENCY INVOLVEMENT: IOGTA TMMYG TEAM RESPONSIBLE : CEO Executive Support Officer Info/Project Officer PROPOSAL: To implement program for the restoration of existing headstones and the naming of unmarked graves; Implement program to maintain and beautify cemetery grounds; Compile and maintain cemetery register; Plan for future expansion of cemetery; Incorporate into Cultural and Heritage Tourist Walk Trial.