Henry VIII and the Reformation in England. Marriage to Catherine of Aragon  In 1509, Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon  Daughter of Ferdinand and.


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Presentation transcript:

Henry VIII and the Reformation in England

Marriage to Catherine of Aragon  In 1509, Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon  Daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain  No male children born

Henry looks for a way out  Henry decided the marriage was cursed by God because Catherine had been married to his brother

The King’s Affair  Henry had an affair with Anne Boleyn  Wanted to marry her  Could not, unless he could get an annulment

The Reformation Parliament  Catholic Church said:  He couldn’t get an annulment  King decides that he should be the head of England’s religion  In 1529, Parliament met for seven years in the “Reformation Parliament.”

Parliament Challenges the Clergy  Parliament passes laws that limit the power of the clergy

Head of the Church of England  January 1531, the Convocation (a legislative assembly representing the English clergy) publicly recognized Henry as Head of the Church in England “as far as the law of Christ allows.”

Marriage to Anne Boleyn In January 1533, Henry wed Anne Boleyn

Invalidation of First Marriage In March 1533, the King’s marriage to Catherine was annuled.

Quiz Qs

1. Why did King Henry VIII originally want to leave his first wife?

2. The Catholic Church wouldn’t give King Henry VIII what?

3. What did the Convocation say about Henry VIII?

Acts of Succession & Supremacy  The Act of Succession made Anne Boleyn’s children legitimate heirs to the throne  The Act of Supremacy declared Henry “the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England”

England Breaks from Rome Parliament ended all payments by the English clergy to Rome In Parliament got rid of England’s monasteries and convents

The Six Wives of Henry VIII  To satisfy his desires and to secure a male heir, Henry married six times:  His marriage to CATHERINE OF ARAGON was annulled  In 1536, ANNE BOLEYN was executed for alleged treason and adultery and her daughter Elizabeth was declared illegitimate.  JANE SEYMOUR died in 1537 shortly after giving birth to the future Edward VI.  Henry wed ANNE OF CLEVES sight unseen on the advice of Cromwell, the purpose being to create by the marriage an alliance with the Protestant princes. The marriage was annulled by Parliament and Cromwell was dismissed and eventually executed.  CATHERINE HOWARD was beheaded for adultery in  Henry’s last wife, CATHERINE PARR, a patron of humanists and reformers, survived him.

The Six Wives DivorcedBeheadedDied DivorcedBeheadedDied DivorcedBeheadedSurvived DivorcedBeheadedSurvived

Religious Conservatism  Despite the break with Rome, Henry remained decidedly conservative in his religious beliefs.

Quiz Qs

1. ________________declared Henry “the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England”

2. What is the rhyme to remember what happened to King Henry VIII’s wives?

3. What are 2 ways the English government limited the church’s power?

Edward VI ( )  When Henry died, his son and successor, Edward VI, was only ten years old.  He/his advisors instituted Protestantism

Mary I ( ) In 1533, Catherine of Aragon’s daughter succeeded Edward (who had died in his teens) to the English throne - Mary I She proceeded to restore Catholic doctrine and practice This met with resistance from England’s Protestants

Elizabeth I ( )  Elizabeth (Anne Boleyn’s daughter) became queen

Elizabeth as Ruler More moderate than Henry VIII and Mary I Tried to compromise between Catholic and Protestants In 1559, Parliament followed Elizabeth’s wishes and set up the Church of England, or Anglican Church, with Elizabeth as its head.

Reformation in England To please Protestants, priests in the Church of England were allowed to marry. They could deliver sermons in English, not Latin. To please Catholics, the Church of England kept some of the trappings of the Catholic service such as rich robes. In addition, church services were revised to be somewhat more acceptable to Catholics.

Quiz Qs

1. What religion did Mary I support?

2. Which religion did Edward VI try to put in place?

3. Elizabeth I’s attempts to create a compromise between Catholicism and Protestantism resulted in the _____________________ Church.

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Stations There are 6 stations Directions: As a table group you will move around to each station and read about an aspect of the witch hunts as a group. Please move in order (1 goes to 2, 2 goes to 3, 3 goes to 4….) As you move, please answer the questions on the worksheet You will have 5 minutes at each station IMPORTANT: Stations 1 and 2 are the SAME. The reading is a bit longer so you have double the time Station 6 will be a video clip in the hallway