LTEC:3220 Assignment 4 Power Point 1
I’ve been working on this project for about two years. I currently have over 300 direct descendents. its available online at: g=en g=en Software used at home to store database: Family Tree Maker & Legacy. Sources:, Catholic Records & Family Accts. The meaning of the Garcia Surname. The meaning of the Garcia Surname. The meaning of the Botero Surname. The meaning of the Botero Surname. 2
Camila & Carlos Garcia Omar L. Garcia Omar de Jesus Garcia Leonardo GarciaNoemi Hincapie Maria Farine Botero Felix BoteroCelmira Escobar 1 st Generation 2 nd Generation 3 rd Generation 4 th Generation 3
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Carlos GarciaCamila Garcia Omar Garcia 5 Back
6 Omar Garcia Leonardo Garcia Maria Botero Felix & Celmira Noemi Hincapie Back
Camila Andrea Garcia 7
Carlos Andres Garcia 8
Kids School Pictures 9
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The meaning of the Garcia Surname Three brothers García, heroes of the defense of Leon, are considered the base of the Garcia families that were spreading throughout Spain. It seems that the Aragon branch, descended from García-Jimenez, King of Sobrarbe. Others make it descended from the Kings of Navarre, pointing to Fortún García, ancestor of Monfós García, who participated in the conquest of Valencia. Also the list of Navarrese Kings begins with García Iñiguez, (9th century), son of Iñigo Arista. With James I "the Conqueror", appears in the conquest of Majorca, Sancho García. With Alfonso III of Aragon, another García was captain of his army and participated in the deflnitiva conquest of the island. It would be endless to consign to few García stressed in the past, however, we will point out a: Ruy Garcia, out of the troops of King Pedro I "the Cruel", famous on the site of Montiel. Rodrigo and serum García, became Portugal and married ladies from the families of Zafra: Chaves, Meneses, Tello and Haro. Ruy Garcia and Martin Garcia created families in Ciudad Real, Almagro and Coldstream. García Romero and Gonzalo del Soto García, with Sancho Sanchez García settled in Toledo, Madrid and Guadalajara. The surname García is prevalent among the conquerors, but even before the discovery, a García had much to do with the epic. 13 Back
Meaning of the Surname Botero The surname Botero Botero--Bottero is unique, Botero surname is from Piedmonte, Liguria Italy area. Botero or surname derived from the boterus or the botterus (the name is medieval and means had the trade of copper or Cooper), traces of these surnames are found in 1544 with the writer and historian Giovanni Botero Benese ( ) of Bene VagiennaPiedmonte - Cuneo Italy. Other forms of the surname are (Boteri- Botter-Botteri-Bottero). 14 Back
15 Genealogy Software..GeneaNet Back