The pilots view on ASAS A highlevel perspective on ASAS by a pilot with ASAS expertise knowledge. Presented at the ASAS Thematic Network Workshop 07OCT.


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Presentation transcript:

The pilots view on ASAS A highlevel perspective on ASAS by a pilot with ASAS expertise knowledge. Presented at the ASAS Thematic Network Workshop 07OCT 2003 by: Capt. Michael Agelii, representing Aviator System

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 2 The typical pilot Sceptical to changes from a flight safety perspective Accepts and handles, but dislikes high workload Eager to recieve traffic information Accepts and likes responsibility Keen to optimize and perfect his flight Loves new technical gadgets and ”toys” 

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 3 ATM basic objective Apart Together for Safetyfor Flow

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 4 Package 1 applications Apart Together for Safetyfor Flow ATSA - SURF ATSA - AIRB ATSA - S&A ASPA – C&P ATSA - SVA ASPA – S&M ASPA - ITP Conclusion: The basic objective with an application is important to a pilot

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 5 ATM system principles Centralized

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 6 ATM system principles Distributed

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 7 ATM system principles DistributedCentralized ComplexSimple VulnerableRobust OrderlyChaotic Characteristics

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 8 ATM system principles DistributedCentralized Simple Robust Orderly Good Characteristics

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 9 ATM system task distribution PilotsATC Orderly + Simple Robust + + Strategic: Flow management Tactical: Sequencing Strategic: Advise of intent Tactical: Spacing/Separation Common: Safety monitoring

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 10 Observations Pilots tend to be sceptical about ASAS before they know anything about it. As their knowledge about ASAS increase they go from acceptance to demand for it. With the right tools a pilot is in a superior position to control his flight relative to other aircraft.

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 11 A philosophical reflection In the beginning there was only VMC flights with visual separation As IMC flights emerged ATC had to be invented. A paradigm shift occurred Technology back then could only cater for a ground based centralized system. Otherwise ATC would probably have been airborne and distributed That ground based centralized system is approaching its limit of development and capability. ASAS is the promise of the next paradigm shift that will enhance safety and capacity by magnitudes.

Capt. Michael Agelii the pilots view on ASAS 12 The typical pilot Sceptical to changes from a flight safety perspective Accepts and handles, but dislikes high workload Eager to recieve traffic information Accepts and likes responsibility Keen to optimize and perfect his flight Loves new technical gadgets and ”toys”  is perfectly cut out for ASAS!