January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 1 BUSINESS RESEARCH Panitza Library Resources
January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 2 Panitza Library Web-page
January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 3 eBRARY
January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 4 EBSCO Databases Business Source Premier Regional Business News EconLit
January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 5 EBSCO - Business Source PremierBusiness Source Premier Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to Superior in full text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, production and operations management, accounting, finance and economics. Full text (PDF) for more than 350 of the top scholarly journals Updated daily
January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 6 Other sources of full text information such as: Country economic reports from the EIU, Global Insight, ICON Group and CountryWatch Detailed company profiles for the world's 10,000 largest companies. Business information in BSP
January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 7 Additional EBSCO databases Regional Business News Regional Business News incorporates coverage of more than 80 regional business publications covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 8 EBSCO EconLit EconLit, the American Economic Association’s electronic database, is the world's foremost source of references to economic literature. The database contains more than 1,010,900 records from 1969-present. EconLit covers virtually every area related to economics.
January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 9 ScienceDirect Freedom Collection
January 9, 2011Panitza Library ProQuest Central The largest aggregated full-text database in the market today totaling more than 12,665 titles—with over 9,745 titles in full text. It serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels in all markets. Designed to be the single-most used database in the library and beyond. It boasts over 160 subjects including core subject areas such as: business and economics, science, technologies, news and world affairs, education, psychology, literature etc. 30,000 full-text dissertations, 9,000 market reports 60,000 company profiles. The Wall Street Journal full text.
January 9, 2011Panitza Library JSTOR Online Comprehensive archive of important scholarly journals 180 journals dating back to their inception. – American Economic Review American Economic Review – Economic Journal Economic Journal – Journal of Finance Journal of Finance – Quarterly Journal of Economics Quarterly Journal of Economics – Journal of the Operational Research Society Journal of the Operational Research Society
January 9, 2011Panitza Library Electronic Journals Portal
January 9, 2011Panitza Library WBank Open Data
January 9, 2011Panitza Library ISI Emerging Markets EMIS covers nearly 80 emerging markets and for each country it aggregates data from different sources, both local and international, offering: News – latest news searchable by source or type Company – profiles and financial statements, company analysis and research Industry – analyses, research, statistics, top companies in a selected industry Macroeconomics – key macroeconomic indicators Financial Markets – updated once daily Tenders – supplement to the Official Journal of the EU IntelliNews – ISI’s own editorial team of locally based analysts who provide independent economic review, country and sector analysis
January 9, 2011Panitza Library ISI Emerging Markets Countries: Albania Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Macedonia Moldova Montenegro Romania Serbia Kosovo* Slovenia Turkey
January 9, 2011Panitza Library- 16
January 9, 2011Panitza Library World Bank e-library
January 9, 2011Panitza Library Contact Information Online form for reference assistanceOnline form Virtual Reference- Meebo me at Reference librarians