Lao PDR Measurement of Gender Dimensions of persons with Disabilities in Lao PDR Presented by : Thirakha CHANTHALANOUVONG 3 rd Global Forum on Gender Statistics.


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Presentation transcript:

Lao PDR Measurement of Gender Dimensions of persons with Disabilities in Lao PDR Presented by : Thirakha CHANTHALANOUVONG 3 rd Global Forum on Gender Statistics October 11-13, 2010 October 11-13, 2010 Philippines, Manila ESA/STAT/AC.219/23 Country Presentation:

Country Background L a o P D R China Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Vietnam

3 Contents Back ground of disability data. Questions and Definitions on disability used in Population and Housing Census Gender Statistics on Disability.

4 Background of disability data Before 1990, there was no survey or census that collected data on disability. In 1994, the Lao Department of Statistics (DoS) conducted Lao Social Indicators Survey, in which there was one question on disability. The result of the survey in 1994 found that disabled population covered about 7% of the total population. The major cause of disability was due to war accident.

5 Background of disability data (Cont) In 2005 DoS conducted the third Population and Housing Census. In this census questionnaire three questions were used to collect information on disability. So far there is no formal system for regular collection of data on disabled people.

6 Questions used to collect disability data 1. 1.Is there any disabled person in this household? 2. 2.What type of disability? 1. 1.Visually handicapped 2. 2.Deaf/dumb 3. 3.Arm/leg handicapped 4. 4.Multiple handicapped 5. 5.Other

7 Questions used to collect disability data 3. Cause of disability? 1. 1.Since birth 2. 2.War accident 3. 3.Drug addicted 4. 4.Diseases 5. 5.Others


9 Definition used for disability Visually handicapped includes blind persons, those with poor eyesight, low vision and loss of both eyes. Those with poor eyesight wearing spectacles or contact lenses are excluded. Deaf /dumb includes deafness, partial deafness, loss of hearing (but able to speak) and inability to speak (dumb) resulting in difficulty with study at school and job prospect.

10 Definition used for disability Arm/leg handicapped inclusive of handicaps such as amputation of hand/leg or feet, paralysis (including polio), weak backbone or muscles, and deformed body structure. Multiple handicapped mean persons who might have more then one type of disabilities. Other: a person who is disabled and not in the relation with the mentioned types as above.

11 Gender Statistics on disability The results of the 2005 Population and Housing Census found that the population with disability accounted for 1 percent ( persons) of the total Lao population of , of which 2.82 million were females and 2.8 million were males. The disability data form the 2005 Population and Housing Census was disaggregated by sex.

Table 1: Percentage distribution of disable persons by age group and sex, 2005

Table 2: Percentage distribution of disable persons by marital status and sex, 2005 Unit: Person

Table 3: Percentage distribution of disable persons by type of disability and sex, 2005 Unit: Person

Table 4: Percentage distribution of disable persons by causes of disability and sex, 2005 Unit: Person

Table 5: Percentage distribution of disable persons by cause and type of disability and sex, 2005

17 Lessons Learned Although the disability data was collected in Laos but it is not in details and not meet all the needs of the users. Definition of persons with disabilities should be uniform, systematic and comprehensive to fit to international comparison and standards.

18 Lessons Learned (Cont.) The data collection and data analysis of the forthcoming Population and Housing Census (in 2015) should follow the United Nation Principles and Recommendation esp. ensuring gender analysis/perspectives in the process. Availability and analysis of gender statistics is limited as well as capacity of DoS and planners/policy makers. DoS will put more effort and enhance its capacity in order to ensure the quality of census results.