Factors Contributing Obesity By Diana M., Adriana A., Elaina T., and Brianne C.
Depression Depression is a big part of why people become obese. Sometimes it can be that the person has lost interest in an activity that they use to do. Depression can even affect a person’s weight by either gaining or losing weight. They could decide whether they medicate their depression with food or ignore food all together. People who have serious depression usually lose weight. Either because they lost interest in food or they think that they don't deserve it. Some even think that they don't deserve the right to live because they are being bullied by others at school, or a traumatic event happened to them. The list could go on for all the reasons why a person would lose their appetite. There are many places you can call or go to if you need help with your depression.
Income -A family's income can greatly affect a persons weight. A family with a low income can buy fast food most of the time because it is cheaper than buying healthy food at the store. -Several studies,show that poorer Americans are more likely to be obese than those who are wealthier. People that get less an $40,000 a year are the ones that are estimated to be obese. Some -people say that it's because they have no will power but that isn't true.
Occupation/ Work Hours Employed adults spend a quarter of their lives at work, and the pressure and demands of work may affect their eating habits and activity patterns, which may lead to overweight and obesity. Obesity may affect both work opportunity and performance as well as modify the relationship between workplace exposure and health outcome. International studies have found that the combination of a sedentary job and poor eating habits often leads to obesity, which can put the heart at risk and pave the way for a litany of other diseases. Obesity is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gallbladder disease, and some cancers. As well, obese workers have a substantially higher prevalence of metabolic, circulatory, musculoskeletal, and respiratory disorders. Based on articles....
Athletic Facilities Childhood obesity is a serious issue that each one of us, especially parents, need to address. Parents should educate each other regarding this topic so they can equip themselves with the knowledge to battle childhood obesity in America. Lack of exercise, many of our children nowadays lack the physically active lifestyle that they require. As you get older, you tend to lose muscle, especially if you're less active. Muscle loss can slow down the rate at which your body burns calories. If you don’t reduce your calorie intakes as you get older, you may gain weight. Midlife weight gain in women is mainly due to aging and lifestyle, but menopause also plays a role. Many women gain about five pounds during menopause and have more fat around the waist than they did before. Based on articles....
Obesity do to Lack of Exercise ~Based on the article "Child Obesity mainly caused by Lack of Exercise" children don't exercise do to playing video games and watching too much T.V. ~Adults don't exercise do to finding it too boring, texting with their electronics, too lazy, not having time, etc. ~Exercising at least thirty minutes a day can help you burn calories and make you not propense in obesity says Randolph Meresma a doctor ~People who do not exercise can be obsessed, get diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. ~People who sit down for long periods of time are not exercising, but should at least 10 minutes to not cause obesity ~Humans are made to exercise in order to be healthy and work well, just like a machine says the article "The Causes of Obesity. 3: Is it Lack of Exercise?" ~Do to the article in "Poll: Lack of exercise blamed for kid obesity" Kim Nethery says that she is trying hard to find a physical activity to do instead of being with her friends and being a couch potato ~Obesity has also been a big part in the U.S. because there is families that live in a high traffic country which is too risky for those people ~This could be a problem in the U.S but this does not mean to not exercise. A person can exercise on their own inside the house or outside without the risk of something happening
Obesity do to Culture/ Tradition ~Americans eat a lot of fried things from fast food restaurants which is causing them to be obese says an article called "Obesity in the United States" ~People now do not prepare a well planned meal with the family in a special occasion ~According to John P. Foreyt families now get a prepackaged meal that is already done for them which means that some Americans have lost their tradition by doing this ~Americans now eat what they want when they want it because it is so easy with pre-packaged foods~People are accustomed to eat the same food over and over again through tradition which results getting obese says the article "Culture Competence in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity" ~ Peoples eat what they have to eat do to their culture and what they are use to eating without seeing the causes of what could happen ~A doctor Melisa Randy also says that people who are obese is because they are too lazy to cook to prepare a healthy meal for the family. Mostly everyday the people eat fast food just because they do not want to cook. FRIED FOODS!!
Lack of Health Education many people try to lose weight but don't succeed "Teen Obesity is lack of education real cause" said that 76% of people say they know nothing about health education An article called " Causes of childhood obesity" stated schools and parents should educate their students more properly so they can have a healthy lifestyle Based on the article "Obesity Facts" most people who are overweight or obese are not aware of how bad no physical activity is(this is due to a lack of health education) Most obese or overweight people tend not to exercise(see picture below) rather than exercise(see picture above)
Unhealthy Diet most people who are obese usually have an unbalanced diet people who are obese or overweight usually don't follow the food pyramid correctly people usually eat food or snacks with a lot of sugar or salt which is very bad for the body unhealthy diet is most likely the major cause of obesity or people being overweight this is also due to lack of education, if you don't know what is good for your body how are you supposed to eat "healthy"? Rather than this (See picture above) you should eat less fast food. People should eat more of a balanced diet. (See picture below)
Work Cited Schulte, Paul A. "Work, Obesity, and Occupational Safety and Health." Am J Public Health, 3 Mar Web. 13 Oct Barnes, Jeff. "Causes of Childhood Obesity (page 2)." Causes of Childhood Obesity. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct Gregoire, Carolyn. "Teen Obesity: Is Lack Of Education The Real Cause?" The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 01 Nov Web. 12 Oct Sankar, Anjana. "Lack of Education Main Issue Facing Battle against Obesity in UAE Schools." Latest News, Pictures, Video, Multimedia. N.p., 12 Nov Web. 12 Oct issue-facing-battle-against-obesity-in-uae-schools Kircz, Rupert. "Lack Of Knowledge Leads To Obesity." Lack Of Knowledge Leads To Obesity. N.p., 10 Sept Web. 12 Oct "Child Obesity mainly caused by lack of exercise." Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Intl, 9 April.2004.web. 8 Oct Meresmaa, Randolph"Lack of exercise and Obesity-Does the lack of exercise Cause Obesity?." 21 Jul Ezine Articles.com 8 Oct. 8 Oct "Obesity in the Middle east and North Africa.." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov Web. 14 Oct "Obesity on the united States." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov Web.14 Oct