Ethical and Unethical Business Practices


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Presentation transcript:

Ethical and Unethical Business Practices Levi Coleman

Top Unethical Practices Found in the Workplace Illegal Activity: Example- Embezzlement Sexual Harassment Misuse of Time and Computers Unfair Laboring Harming the Environment

Reasons for Unethical Behavior Performance Pressure on Employees Greed and Ambition Misguided Loyalty: Stretching the Facts or Leaving Out Vital Information Predominantly in the Sales Department Lack of Ethical Guidance from Organization

Differences Between White Collar and Blue Collar Behavior Tends to be more mental than physical Occurs at both the top management and employee statuses Decision making Deliberate Deception Taking credit for the work of others Sabotaging the work of others Unethical behavior on a more physical basis Occurs at the management position Managers disregard promises Example: offer time off of work for meeting a deadline and don’t grant it Sweatshops Managers provide wages below government standards Employees are forced to work longer hours Don’t provide proper health care or worker’s compensation

Solutions Making sure that a well thought out Code of Conduct is set in place and signed by all employees prior to hiring Organizations need to incorporate ethical guidance during business training Manager’s should be honest and open with employees Hold annual or semi-annual Business Ethics seminars or meetings