Explanations To Scripture. Gen. 1:26 Elohim is the Hebrew word used for God It is the plural form of Eloah Very great, exceedingly God It is the most.


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Presentation transcript:

Explanations To Scripture

Gen. 1:26 Elohim is the Hebrew word used for God It is the plural form of Eloah Very great, exceedingly God It is the most commonly used word for God This word indicates the greatness and the many attributes of God

Examples Jacob (Gen. 32:30) The golden calf (Ex. 32:1) Pagan gods (Judges 8:33) Judges 11:24 Judges 16:23 Jesus (Ps 45:6 & Zech. 14:5)

Explanation Gen 1:26 cannot mean more than one God or persons in a godhead because of Gen 1:27. So God created man in his own image. Gen 1:26, God counseled with his own will. Eph. 1:11(Judges 20:18 & Acts 20:27) A person’s saying “Let’s See” even though the person is planning alone.

Baptism of Christ Let us remember the son of God refers to humanity ( a human being) God is omnipresent God was in Christ and yet throughout the world at the same time Think of people with the Holy Ghost The Dove was a sign for only John the Baptist

The Prayers of Christ Again; the son of God represents his humanity (a human man) God is omnipresent God was in Christ as well as in Heaven Think of people with the Spirit of God within them. If Jesus was God the Son, co-equal with the Father, why pray? Heb. 5:7 in the days of his flesh

Calvary “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.” (Matt. 27:46) Once again we see the humanity (a human man) crying out to his creator (in this case his Father). The lamb of God was taking on the sins of the world and this separated, momentarily, his fellowship with God.

The Preexistent Christ From the foundation of the world (Jn 17:24, Eph 1:4, I Peter 1:19- 20, & Rev. 13:8) John 1:1 & 14 Jesus was the Word of God made flesh In the Beginning God had a dream

The Right Hand of God God is a Spirit Right hand refers to power, authority and righteousness Is. 48:13, Luke 11:20, Ex 15:6 Of power Matt. 26:64, Mark 14:62 & Luke 22:69 Figurative language or anthropomorphisms Interpretations of nonhumans in human terms for our understanding

Examples “He is my right-hand man” “ I would give my right arm for..” Trinitarian scholar Bernard Ramm says, “God’s almightiness is spoken of in terms of a right arm because among men the right arm is the symbol of strength or power. Preeminence is spoken of as sitting at God’s right hand because in human social affairs the right hand position with the reference to the host was a place of greatest honor.”

Greetings And (between God and Christ) In the Greek either “and” or “even” In the sense: “that is” or “which is the same as” To support this: Greek does not have the definite article (the) before the “Lord Jesus Christ” in any of the greetings. These greetings never included the title “Holy Ghost”

Examples II Thess. 1:12 I Tim. 5:21 II Peter 1:1 Jude 1:4