TOOL: Radial Arm Saw NEXT STEP: Radial Arm Saw RESULTS: Finish Top Apron Pieces at 9” L x 4” W x ¾ “ Th PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Top Apron # NEEDED 4 DIRECTIONS: Make sure saw dust is not between block and material Set up Stop Block properly at 9” Push Board up against stop block SAFETY TIPS: Wait for saw to come to a stop before touching pieces Wear approved safety glasses. Do not cross arms when operating saw Estimated Time : 4 minutes
TOOL: Radial Arm Saw NEXT STEP: Jointer RESULTS: Have enough pieces that add up to rough cut at least 27” L x 14” W PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Shelves # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Rough cut three boards at least 27” long Should be enough to make 14” Wide when glued SAFETY TIPS: Wait for saw to come to a stop before touching pieces Wear approved safety glasses. Do not cross arms when operating saw Estimated Time : 4 minutes
TOOL: Jointer NEXT STEP: Table Top Layout RESULTS: Two outside Boards will have one smooth, square edge on inside. Middle board will be square on both edges. PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Shelves # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Joint all interior edges so they glue flush Select best rough edge. Feed into jointer as many times as needed to be smooth. SAFETY TIPS: Make sure the material is straight. Keep fingers away from cutter head. Make sure material does not have any metal on the edge (staples, nails, etc…) Make sure the material does not have any loose knots. Estimated Time : 10 minutes
TOOL: Table Top Layout NEXT STEP: Glue Table RESULTS: Properly laid out board marked with a V and identifying information PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Shelves # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Mark a “V” on top with pencil. Check end grains to alternate (Smiles and Frowns). Mark boards “1 of 3”, “2 of 3” etc. Check for knots to determine top of table. Put student name on it with a unique number. SAFETY TIPS: Wear approved safety glasses. Estimated Time : 4 minutes
TOOL: Glue Table NEXT STEP: Planer RESULTS: Glued up table top at least 27” L x 14” W PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Shelves # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Slide boards into place, snug up the two bottom clamps. Prepare clamps, glue, boards. Make sure board is flat as possible, and snug top clamp. Add glue to two edges, and smooth with finger. Tighten as much as possible, and wipe off excess glue. SAFETY TIPS: Wear approved safety glasses. Estimated Time : 10 minutes
TOOL: Surface Planer NEXT STEP: Table Saw RESULTS: Shelves surface planed on both sides measuring a minimum 3/4" thickness PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Shelves # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Feed material into surfacer. Hand scrape excess glue, and measure thickness. Turn wheel one full turn (1/16") per cut. Set surface planer to the thickness measured. Alternate sides so that both sides are smooth. SAFETY TIPS: Keep hands and fingers away from in feed roller. Wear approved safety glasses. Do not try to remove too much material at one time. Estimated Time : 10 minutes
TOOL: Table Saw NEXT STEP: Jointer RESULTS: Board = ¾” Th x 13” W x 27” L PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Bottom Apron # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Run material through table saw using push stick. Set blade height 1/8" above material. Put X on cut sides. Set fence to 13– 1/16”. SAFETY TIPS: Stand to one side of the saw blade. Use a push stick when making small or narrow cuts. Make sure no one is standing directly behind the saw before you start your cut. Push the material completely past the blade. Estimated Time : 5 Minutes
TOOL: Jointer NEXT STEP: Radial Arm Saw RESULTS: Square board about 27” L x 13” W PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Shelves # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Select edge that is marked with an “X” Feed into jointer as many times as needed to be smooth. SAFETY TIPS: Make sure the material is straight. Keep fingers away from cutter head. Make sure material does not have any metal on the edge (staples, nails, etc…) Make sure the material does not have any loose knots. Estimated Time : 10 minutes
TOOL: Radial Arm Saw NEXT STEP: Table Saw RESULTS: Table Top is now final 13” L x 14” W x ¾ Th PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Table Top # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Keep other board on the side (not scrap) Use Stop block to cut table top shelf to 13” Should be enough to make 14” Wide when glued SAFETY TIPS: Wait for saw to come to a stop before touching pieces Wear approved safety glasses. Do not cross arms when operating saw Estimated Time : 4 minutes
TOOL: Table Saw NEXT STEP: Radial Arm Saw RESULTS: Board = ¾” Th x 9” W x and at least 14” L PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Bottom Shelf # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Run material through table saw using push stick. Set blade height 1/8" above material. Put X on cut sides. Set fence to 9– 1/16”. SAFETY TIPS: Stand to one side of the saw blade. Use a push stick when making small or narrow cuts. Make sure no one is standing directly behind the saw before you start your cut. Push the material completely past the blade. Estimated Time : 2 Minutes
TOOL: Radial Arm Saw NEXT STEP: Table Router RESULTS: Bottom shelf is now final 11 5/16” L x 9” W x ¾ Th PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Bottom Shelf # NEEDED 1 DIRECTIONS: Use Stop block to cut table top shelf to 11 5/16” Set up stop block to 11 5/16” Make sure no saw dust is between block and shelf SAFETY TIPS: Wait for saw to come to a stop before touching pieces Wear approved safety glasses. Do not cross arms when operating saw Estimated Time : 4 minutes
TOOL: Table Router NEXT STEP: Kreg Jig RESULTS: Angled top shelf on table PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Table top # NEEDED 1 DIRECTIONS: Route two end grains first (go slow on corner) Set up 45 degree bit Have partner hold vent behind machine to collect dust SAFETY TIPS: Wear approved safety glasses. Hold firmly and flat on table Estimated Time : 2 minutes
TOOL: Kreg Jig NEXT STEP: Kreg Jig RESULTS: Four side boards, with five holes in each. PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Assembly Top Apron # NEEDED 4 DIRECTIONS: Drill Half way in and pull drill out to release shavings Mark backs of all side boards with “back”. Drill holes (one into top). Line up edge of board in Kreg Jig. SAFETY TIPS: Clamp Kreg Jig to bench top. Wear approved safety classes. Estimated Time : 15 minutes
TOOL: Kreg Jig NEXT STEP: Sanding RESULTS: Two side boards, with four holes in each. PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Assembly Bottom Apron # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Drill Half way in and pull drill out to release shavings Center bottom apron (vertically) on Jig SAFETY TIPS: Clamp Kreg Jig to bench top. Wear approved safety classes. Estimated Time : 15 minutes
TOOL: Sanding Aprons NEXT STEP: Sanding Leg RESULTS: All Aprons sanded and ready to be finished PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Sanding Apron # NEEDED 6 DIRECTIONS: Quarter sheet sand with 280 Grit Belt sand of apron with 80 Grit Break curve on top edges and bottom of apron Sand until lines are out from planer DO NOT SAND LEFT OR RIGHT SIDES SAFETY TIPS: Use foam when sanding insides Protect eyes Estimated Time : 15 minutes
TOOL: Sanding Legs NEXT STEP: Assembly- Top Apron to leg RESULTS: All Legs are sanded and ready to be finished PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Sanding Legs # NEEDED 4 DIRECTIONS: Quarter sheet sand each side of the legs with 100 Grit Break curve on top edges and bottom of apron Re-Sand with 280 Grit DO NOT SAND BOTTOM OR TOP EDGES SAFETY TIPS: Use foam when sanding insides Protect eyes Estimated Time : 15 minutes
TOOL: Assembly- 2 Top Aprons to legs NEXT STEP: Assembly- Bottom Apron to leg RESULTS: All Top Aprons are attached to each leg PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Top Apron # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Clamp aprons to legs and Using 1 ½ “ Kreg screws Drill all four screws into each leg Set Drill on “Low” Setting and #8 ONLY SCREW 2 TOP APRONS ON Only Set 2 Aprons up to be flush with the top of each leg, and make sure the legs are flat on the table SAFETY TIPS: Protect eyes Estimated Time : 15 minutes
TOOL: Assembly- Bottom Aprons to legs NEXT STEP: Assembly- Final 2 Top Aprons to legs RESULTS: All two bottom Aprons are attached to each leg PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Top Apron # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Clamp aprons to legs and Using 1 ½ “ Kreg screws Drill all four screws into each leg Set Drill on “Low” Setting and #8 Set 2 bottom Aprons up spacing 1 ½ “ up from the bottom of the leg using 1 ½ “ spacing block SAFETY TIPS: Protect eyes Estimated Time : 5 minutes
TOOL: Assembly- Final 2 Top Aprons to legs NEXT STEP: Assembly- Top Shelf RESULTS: All Top Aprons are attached to each leg PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Top Apron # NEEDED 2 DIRECTIONS: Clamp aprons to legs and Using 1 ½ “ Kreg screws Drill all four screws into each leg Set Drill on “Low” Setting and #8 Set final 2 Aprons up to be flush with the top of each leg, and make sure the legs are flat on the table SAFETY TIPS: Have partner hold steady (in a safe manner) while you drill Protect eyes Estimated Time : 5 minutes
TOOL: Assembly- Top Shelf NEXT STEP: Assembly- Bottom Shelf RESULTS: Top Shelf is attached to the aprons PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Top Shelf # NEEDED 1 DIRECTIONS: Set drill to “Low” and # 6 Flip Shelf upside down on foam and align grain in the same direction as apron and legs Using 1 ¼ “ Kreg screws drill in one screw per apron Center legs on top shelf, approximately 3/8 “ from each side SAFETY TIPS: Check after each screw that they did not poke through the top Protect eyes Estimated Time : 5 minutes
TOOL: Assembly- Bottom Shelf NEXT STEP- Finish RESULTS: Bottom Shelf is attached to the aprons PROJECT Square Plant Stand PART Bottom Shelf # NEEDED 1 DIRECTIONS: Make sure the grain goes the same way Align one end of the bottom shelf flush with the bottom apron Shoot nails straight down into shelf into apron Use 1 ½ “ 18 Gauge nails SAFETY TIPS: Keep fingers away from nail gun Protect eyes Estimated Time : 5 minutes