We help people who want to share information freely and legally Created in 1992 as sunsite.unc.edu In 1998 we became metalab.unc.edu In 2000 we became ibiblio.org We are now enjoying our 15th year of service to the Net.
Radically Dedicated to Open Source, Open Information and Open Access What I said in 1992: Archives look for interesting collections; we look for interesting people creating interesting collections in interesting ways. We collect the collectors and empower them.
Radically Dedicated to Open Source, Open Information and Open Access What I said in 2001 By adopting not only the open-source tools, but also the open-source philosophy encouraging community interaction and contributor involvement, digital libraries can open new horizons to new communities as well as greatly improve traditional services.
Three Laws 1.Moore’s Law 2.Metcalfe’s Law 3.Reed’s Law
Five Big Ideas Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom By Yochai Benkler
Five Big Ideas Democratizing Innovation By Eric Von Hippel
Five Big Ideas Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity by Lawrence Lessig
Five Big Ideas The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More by Chris Anderson
Five Big Ideas Small is the new big By Seth Godin
The Power of People Craigslist Wikipedia YouTube Red Hat Linux ibiblio.org
ibiblio-metrics (2002 vs 2008) 800 Collections > Collections 3 million ftp+www/day > 15+ million 1 terabyte of data > 12 terabytes 4 radio stations > 7 radio stations
7 Archives in Action Folkstreams.net Roger McGuinn's Folk Den Documenting the American South Moonshine Degree Confluence eTree Music Sharing a bit about blogs