▪ Introduction NPP program in Indonesia Education and Training in Nuclear Field Implementation Fundamental Training for NPP (Reactor engineering and Safety and IAEA Simulator) Training Schema for Reactor Operator and Simulator Training ▪ Conclusion 2
Introduction Indonesia has been considering introducing NPP option into energy mix supply for 2000 MW to be operated in around 2024 or NP Demontration operated on 2020 Although definite timetable has not been determined, the development of basic infrastructure of NPP preparation which is included HRD has to be initiated. ETC-BATAN are responsible for the development of HRD program for NPP 3
Nuclear Infrastructure Development Program Phase 1 Consideration before a decision to launch a nuclear power programme is taken Phase 2 Preparatory work for the construction of a NPP after a policy decision has been taken Phase 3 Activities to implement a first NPP Phase 4 Maintenance and continuous infrastructure improvement Pre Project Project Decision Making ConstructionOperation/ decommissioning Nulear power option included within the national energy strategy Milestone 1 Ready to make a knowledgeable commitment to a nuclear programme Milestone 2 Ready to invite bids for the first NPP Milestone 3 Ready to commission and operate the first NPP years Pres.Reg. 5/2006 Act. 17/2007 Feasibility study Bidding processCommissioning Infrastructure Development Program 4
INPP Roadmap Timeline for NP Developm ent in Indonesia 5
Training schedule for Key personnel of NPP Witness during Construction Mech., IC, E, Water Chem, Reactor. Rad Protec. And Env, QA Safety Analysis Maintenance Operation Nuclear Fuel Org. Utility Project Implementasion Construction Comissioning Civil and foundation Sub. System test Commercial Operation Training staff and NTC Plant Specification Plant operation Management Operation manager Civil and Structure 6
Timeline for NP Demontration Development Phase1 :Pre Project Phase II:Enginering, procurement and Construction PhaseIII: Comissioning and Operation PhaseIV: Research on cogeneration
8/8/2015 8
EDUCATION and TRAINING IN NUCLEAR FIELD Nuclear Engineering (Engineering Physic Department, Gadjah Mada Univ), Bachelor, Master program 50 student every year, 200 enrollment Polytechnic Institute of nuclear science Bachelor program 75 student every year and 300 enrollment Introduction to nuclear technology, in second year Physics Department, Bandung Institute Technology Master and Doctor 10 student annd 5 student
NUCLEAR TRAINING CENTER EDUCATION AND TRAING CENTER OF BATAN (Promoting Organization) BATAN have 2800 employee BPTC on Nuclear safety Reactor Engineering and safety Operator and Supervisor of RR OJT or internship for university Student TRAINING CENTER OF BAPATEN (Regulatory Agency) Bapeten has 500 employee BPTC on Nuclear safety
October 9Education and Traing center - BATAN11 Implementation of Fundamental Course for NPP ETC-BATAN has been implementing TC on Reactor Engineering and Safety I and II (Basic course of an initial training for preparation of NPP HRD program) IAEA simulator are used on RES I LectureSlide Curiculla RE 1 Curiculla RE II
G.A. SIWABESSY REACTOR, SERPONG Oper. since : 1987 Power: 30 MW Function: Research, isotope prod. and testing Hot Cell
Working Area in NPP Training Schema for NPP Personnel 14
New Employee Introductory of NPP Basic Competency Assessment Certification/Licensing/ Competent personnel Engineer (Nuclear Island/BOP) Technician (nuclear Island /BOP) Training and Certification 15
Operation Engineer Introductory Training for New Employee New Employee Month TC AdministratifTC Industrial safety and Radiation ProtectionTC Fundamental of NPP OJT Basic Component Knowledge and machinary Arrangement OJT on Plant Sytem and Component NPP system and comp description and location 16
Thermal hydraulics Detail Training Schema for Operator New Employee Introductory, Administrative, Industrial safety, Radiation Protection, Introduction to NPP and Familiarization with NPP Reactor Physics Preparation for license Op TC on Plant Sys. and Component Month 12 Reactor safety 0 8 wk Plant and control sys. and component Simulator 8 wk 24 OJT on Turbine Gen OJT on NSSS Secondary OJT on NSSS Primary OJT Shift in control rooms Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 License Operator Non license Ops OJT on Auxiliary 8wk 36 OJT on Auxiliary OJT on TG OJT on NSSS secondary. OJT on NSSS Primary. 42 wk OJT on Shift Aux Patroller 50 wk OJT on Shift TG Patroller Operator TG Operator Aux OJT Aux Op. OJT TG Op Aux/ equipment Op. 60 OJT aux/TG/NSSS / their specialties 50 wk Simulator OJT NSSS Other TC 8 wk 17
Curriculla and Syllabus for Simulator Training Curriculla and Syllabus for Simulator Training
Indonesia has been considering introducing NPP option into energy mix supply for 2000 MW to be operated in around 2024 In order to prepare Indonesian Nuclear HRD who has appropriate qualification personnel requirement, the education and training need to be identified, training program and curricula must be developed. The Nuclear Training Center for NPP must be equipped with Simulator (Fullscope or PC Based Simulator) Development and Utilization of Simulator are urgent to supprot NPP HRD program in indonesia 19