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Introduction Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle (IGCC) power generation viewed as next generation of clean coal energy High fidelity Operator Training Simulator (OTS) with virtual reality (VR) environment provides demonstration, education and training to promote IGCC technology OTS with VR will showcase IGCC as a technically feasible and clean means of meeting future energy demands Engineering quality models and controls will provide test bed for process and control improvements VR system provides realistic and intuitive demonstration and training environment Slide 2
Outline Simulator Basis Process model scope Hardware/software scope Control system and HMI VR environment and features System capabilities Brief demonstration Slide 3
~750 MW Gross Power Generation Feed Slurry Preparation (coal, petcoke, biomass) 2 Train Gasification Producing Synthetic Natural Gas (Syngas) Air Separation Syngas Scrubbing and CO2 Capture Sulfur Removal and Sour Water Stripper Combined Cycle Power Generation Slide 4 Simulator Basis
Process Model Scope Process divided into 2 major sections Gasification Feed slurry preparation Air separation 2 Gasification trains Acid gas removal 2 Sulfur recovery trains CO2 recovery and recompression Combined Cycle Power Generation Syngas Expander Gas Turbine HRSG Steam turbine Electrical system Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7 Hardware Scope
Software Scope Dynamic Simulation Dynsim licenses Human-Machine Interface (HMI) Wonderware InTouch licenses Virtual Reality EYESIM licenses Slide 8
Regulatory and safety controls implemented in Dynsim Feed switching Equipment changeover Load changes Adjust gasifier feed to match load demands Wonderware InTouch used to produce operator graphics DCS functionality Alarming Historian Slide 9 Controls and HMI
Slide 10 HMI Overview
Slide 11 HMI Operator Graphic
Immersive training (realistic 3D and surround sound) Slide 12 VR Environment and Features...completing by photo scanning
Slide 13 More realistic training environment Team training Safe environment to practice – no consequences Improve reaction time and probability of correct response in stressful situations Improve skills for rarely-performed, but safety-critical tasks (e.g., emergency shutdown) Leverage skills of senior people and capture knowledge Evaluate operational and maintenance procedures Animations for clear understanding of process internals Expected Benefits from VR Training
Slide 14 Normal plant evolutions Full plant startup Feed changes Normal and emergency shutdowns Hundreds of equipment, instrument and environmental malfunctions Team training for all control room and field operators Communication Planning and coordination Full simulation functionality Freeze, run, fast, slow Save, restore, backtracks Scenarios, trainee performance System Capabilities
Slide 15 EYESIM Demonstration