Do Now On a sheet of paper, draw a web diagram. In the center bubble, write “Parts of My Culture.” Draw additional bubbles and, inside each one, write something you think is a part of culture. 5 Minutes…Silence during Do Now
Essential Question Essential Question: “What are the 8 Elements of Culture and how can we use them to describe people?” Today’s Topic: The Elements of Culture…because culture makes a place unique.
What is Culture? Culture - Beliefs, customs, laws and way of living that a group of people share. Cultural Hearth – Where your culture comes from – the place is spreads from.
Culture Activity Write down a belief, custom, and law that we follow in the United States Write down where you think the “Bill of Rights” comes from (what country did we model it from)
1. Social Organizations The ways that a society meets the people’s needs.
Family Family-A group of people that are related by blood or adoption Nuclear-Father, mother, and their children Extended-Father, mother, children and other relatives
Family Activity 3. Provide a example of a nuclear and extended family
Dominance Dominance-who makes the final decisions in a family Patriarchal-the oldest male Matriarchal-the oldest female
Dominance Activity 4. Write a scenario (mini story) that depicts patriarchal and matriarchal dominance.
Marriage Marriage-the legal joining of 2 or more people Monogamy-1 husband, 1 wife Polygamy-1 husband, 2 or more wives Polyandry-1 wife, 2 or more husbands
Marriage Activity 5. Write 2 different sentences EACH for the following words; monogamy, polygamy, polyandry.
2. Education The teaching of the young those skills which are necessary for adult survival Two types 1. Informal – taught skills to survive 2. Formal – The young are sent to school
Education Activity 6. Write a list of things that would include formal education 7. Write a list of things that would include informal education
3. Customs and Traditions - Rules, beliefs, laws, and values given by the culture Example: Freedom of Speech is an American custom/tradition.
4. Language - Passes on cultures history and is a source of national pride and identification. - Also used for communication
Language Activity 8. Why do you think language is important to a culture? Give at least 3 reasons
5. Arts and Literature Music, art, literature, culinary arts Some cultures identify with a famous artist or writer.
Art and Literature Activity 9. What are some famous artist and writers from the American culture (you may research it with your ipads [no musicians please])
6. Religion Belief in a superior being(s) that help to explain our lives. Helps provides moral order. Monotheism = 1 god Polytheism = 2 or more gods
Religion Activity 10. Write 2 religions that are monotheist 11. Write 2 religions that are polytheistic
7. Types of Government Direct Democracy – every citizen has a say on every issue Indirect Democracy – elected representatives make decisions Authoritarian – One person has complete control (dictatorship) Oligarchy – A few elite people rule the country
Types of Government Activity 12 Write a scenario (mini story) depicting a direct democracy 13. Write the name of a country that is a Indirect Democracy and explain why it is a indirect democracy (provide specific examples)
Government Activity continue 14. Write the name of a country that is a Authoritarian government and explain what makes it a authoritarian type of government (provide specific examples) 15. Write the name of a country that is a Oligarchy government and explain what makes it a Oligarchy type of government (provide specific examples)
Major Types 1. Market – People make their own economic choices. 2. Command – The government makes all the economic choices. The U.S. is a market system.
Economic Systems Activity 16. Write a scenario (mini story) depicting a market economy 17. Write a scenario (mini story) depicting a command economy
Ticket Out the Door $2 Summary…Each word you use to answer this question is worth 10 cents…that means you get 20 words (or less) to answer this question: “What is your culture?”