Primary colors: RED, YELLOW, BLUE Primary colors are colors that you cannot make by mixing other colors. You must already have them.
Secondary colors: GREEN, ORANGE, PURPLE –You will MIX these color using the primary colors
Intermediate Colors: Red-orange, Red-violet, Blue-violet, Blue-green, Yellow-green, Yellow-orange.
Made by mixing Primary and Secondary colors together.
Created by mixing two complementary colors together.
Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel. These colors side by side will vibrate off one another.
Red Red- orange Orange Yellow- orange Yellow Yellow- green Green Blue- green Blue Blue- Violet Violet Red- Violet
All colors need to be labeled properly Primary (individual colors as well) Secondary (individual colors as well) Intermediate (individual colors as well) Neutral gray Accurate colors – mixed properly!!!
1. All colors labeled properly including the color triads (primary, secondary, intermediate, neutral) 2. All colors mixed properly!!!!!!! 3. Creativity with the DESIGN of your color wheel!