Tier II Vocabulary:
What are we talking about? Tier 3 “Low frequency words- rarely seen in text” Tier 2 “High frequency words for mature language users” Tier 1 “The most basic words- common knowledge words”
Tier I Tier II Tier III
Target: Improve your ability to judge your own word knowledge Your should become proficient at answering questions such as: Do I know the meaning of this word? Does the meaning I know for this word fit the context? Do I know the meaning of this word well enough to keep reading with an adequate level of comprehension?
Let’s Review
Tier I Happy, Red, Sad Tier II Hazardous, fugitive, ambitious Tier III Geometry, geology, photosynthesis Turn to this page… let’s practice
Time to Practice Categorize the following words into one of the three categories: Tier I, Tier II, or Tier III: BookEconomicsRun SheepishlyGirlRevolutionary War DogFortunateLinger Write the words under the headings on the blank table.
Tier ITier IITier III Run, book, girl, dog Sheepishly, linger, fortunate Economics, Revolutionary War Turn to this page… let’s practice
Your Job!!!!
DateTitle/Author Thinking before, during, or after reading Vocab Words Starting TODAY- You will be marking your Tier II words on your pink page. In the coming weeks we will be using these words for our vocabulary study!
Indicator321 Word Identified Identified multiple Tier II words Identified some Tier I words; word identified were Tier I or III Identified few Tier II words; words identified are Tier I&/or III Elements Each Word had the part of speech, definition, example,& illustration Words were missing few of the elements(part of speech, example, etc.) Most words are missing the several elements Definitions Definitions were details and accurately matched the meaning and context clues in sentence. Definitions accurately matched the meaning and context clues in sentence. Most definitions accurately matched the meaning and context clues This will be used in the coming weeks to assess your independent vocabulary study