SIMS Gateway for East Sussex schools Schools Application Support supporting schools in their next generation learning [Option 1]
What is SIMS Gateway? Becta/DCSF Teacher remote access to SIMS Parental Engagement and access Future Roadmap Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… What is SIMS Gateway? Is not a Learning Environment… Remote access to data held within SIMS for Teachers, Parents and Pupils. Flexible, live, read/write access to SIMS data Customisable, utilising the latest technology Moving towards a unified & complete ICT system What is SIMS Gateway? Is not a Learning Environment… Remote access to data held within SIMS for Teachers, Parents and Pupils. Flexible, live, read/write access to SIMS data Customisable, utilising the latest technology Moving towards a unified & complete ICT system Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… By September 2008 all secondary schools will be expected to provide information to parents covering achievement, progress, attendance, behavior and special needs, on a timely and frequent basis – this should be at least once per term. By September 2010 all secondary schools will need to offer parents real- time access to this information (including the opportunity for secure online access) wherever they are and whenever they want. By September 2008 all secondary schools will be expected to provide information to parents covering achievement, progress, attendance, behavior and special needs, on a timely and frequent basis – this should be at least once per term. By September 2010 all secondary schools will need to offer parents real- time access to this information (including the opportunity for secure online access) wherever they are and whenever they want. Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… Understanding Becta’s on-line reporting Online reporting means parents have secure online access to information on their child’s progress, achievement, attendance, behaviour and special educational needs, when and where they please. This means an improvement to the way schools communicate with parents. Parents and learners should be provided with online access to information about: Attendance and behaviour (both positive and challenging); Progress and attainment; Special needs. Understanding Becta’s on-line reporting Online reporting means parents have secure online access to information on their child’s progress, achievement, attendance, behaviour and special educational needs, when and where they please. This means an improvement to the way schools communicate with parents. Parents and learners should be provided with online access to information about: Attendance and behaviour (both positive and challenging); Progress and attainment; Special needs. Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… The online reporting expectation does not therefore replace face-to-face and direct engagement, nor does it duplicate or replace the existing statutory requirement to report to parents annually, but will provide parents with up-to-date information at appropriate points through the year to maintain their interest and enable a richer dialogue Ministers are content at this stage not to specify the frequency of reporting, and schools will have the flexibility to determine what frequency best suits both the school and their parents and learners” Jim Knight – Minister of State for Schools/Learners Letter to all schools The online reporting expectation does not therefore replace face-to-face and direct engagement, nor does it duplicate or replace the existing statutory requirement to report to parents annually, but will provide parents with up-to-date information at appropriate points through the year to maintain their interest and enable a richer dialogue Ministers are content at this stage not to specify the frequency of reporting, and schools will have the flexibility to determine what frequency best suits both the school and their parents and learners” Jim Knight – Minister of State for Schools/Learners Letter to all schools Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… Teachers Pupils Parents VLE SIMS Data Schools Website Other Applications Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… Teachers/Staff Access Teachers have live write remote access to: Attendance – PM/PM or lesson marks Assessment – tracking templates, marksheets Profiles Behaviour Choice to use SIMS Gateway instead of Client (SIMS) on classroom PCs or laptops. Schools have own autonomy no matter where SIMS Gateway is hosted. Only Capita Web Parts give live read write access to SIMS data for Teachers Parents and Pupils. Teachers/Staff Access Teachers have live write remote access to: Attendance – PM/PM or lesson marks Assessment – tracking templates, marksheets Profiles Behaviour Choice to use SIMS Gateway instead of Client (SIMS) on classroom PCs or laptops. Schools have own autonomy no matter where SIMS Gateway is hosted. Only Capita Web Parts give live read write access to SIMS data for Teachers Parents and Pupils. Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… Parental Access Parents have read only access to: Attendance Assessment Behaviour Achievement Parents only have read access to data the school releases to them. Parents can login once no matter how many pupils they have in the county. Schools have own autonomy no matter where SIMS Gateway is hosted. Parental Access Parents have read only access to: Attendance Assessment Behaviour Achievement Parents only have read access to data the school releases to them. Parents can login once no matter how many pupils they have in the county. Schools have own autonomy no matter where SIMS Gateway is hosted. Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… What do you as a school need to be aware of? Cleansing of SIMS data What data to show Implications of Real Time Attendance! Behaviour Comments Not a replacement for in the classroom! Commitment by schools to training staff & support Ownership by Schools Implications of Becta’s Online Reporting Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… Becta case study in schools using SIMS Gateway 2&rid=17080 Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… Overview of SIMS Gateway Schools Application Support for teaching, for learning, for the future… Overview of ADPS