MAIN STREAM SCHOOLS A mainstream school is like any other basic, regular public schools. I do not think it would be the right fit for a deaf child because.. Deafness is viewed as a disability (special ed., special service) Standardized teaching across all classrooms Larger class sizes Maybe singled out Have to communicate through interpreters Although a deaf child can be exposed to the “hearing world” and experience extra curricular activities, there aren’t many benefits for them in a mainstream school.
HOME SCHOOLING THE DEAF Home schooling a deaf child is a better option than mainstream schools because.. You know the needs of your child better than anyone else Its less expensive than deaf schools You can help your child keep up if they are academically delayed Make sure if the child is wearing their hearing device Even though in my opinion it is better than mainstream schools, I don’t think its always the best option. Some parents don’t have time to home school or money to hire a tutor. Also the child does not get to interact with other kids.
DEAF SCHOOLS I think deaf schools are the best option for a deaf child because.. Signing is available They have smaller classes Its easier to develop skills They have full access to all information It fits the child needs The child has the option to dorm or go home There are helpful teachers and staff Deaf schools are expensive and very rare to find but I think a deaf child will have an easier development at a deaf school. They can interact with others like them and just feel accepted. I would personally put my deaf child in a deaf school for the best treatment.