IRCC Orientation Programme 4.11.2006 Life cycle of a Sponsored Project.


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Presentation transcript:

IRCC Orientation Programme Life cycle of a Sponsored Project

IRCC Orientation Programme Dean Planning, Estate Office Institute Accounts, Audit Cash Section Institute Admin Director, DD, Registrar, Other Deans, PRO… Department HOD, DPC, Stores, Lab Funding Agency: Govt., Industries, Organizations Vendors Service Providers Central Stores Interface between various Entities Project Team: PI, CoPIs, Project Staff IRCC: Dean, Associate Dean (R&D), Technical Team, Admin, Accounts, Advisory Committee, IPR Unit

IRCC Orientation Programme Proposal Review of Proposal Financial Sanction Project staff related PurchasesTravel Closure Progress /completion IPR/ Technology Transfer Project Implementation Life Cycle of a Sponsored Project

IRCC Orientation Programme MOU information Choice of Funding Agency Preparation of Proposal: Agency norms/format Submission to agency with Dean (R&D) endorsement Review by agency: Peer review, Presentation, Evaluation, Modification Project Sanction letter arrives – PI/IRCC Funds arrive. (If delayed, possible advance from IRCC) Prior experience, Colleagues, IRCC, announcements Online Submission to IRCC IITB Norms Co PIs -> HOD -> Dean Redistribution of heads if required Project Code assigned, Online project information available Initial Phase: Proposal to Sanction approval Back

IRCC Orientation Programme Accounting activities handled by Accounts Section Three main types of purchases: 1.Direct purchase  Small purchases of up to Rs.15,000/-  Higher purchases of up to Rs.2 lakhs 2.Purchase of large items including equipment, consumables, through Central Stores 3.Infrastructure related expenditure Purchases Back

IRCC Orientation Programme Note: Purchases above Rs.15,000 require submitting 3 quotations (limited tender enquiry) 1.Direct purchase of  Small items of up to Rs.15,000/- (generally consumables, small services, refreshments for meetings etc.)  Higher items up to Rs. 2 lakhs Advance drawn, purchased & bill settled Apply Online to IRCC Two advances per project at any given time Item purchased and reimbursement claimed Entry in Tally Book / Dead Stock Register Cash Memo, Invoice / Receipt submission to IRCC for settlement/payment through Cash section Procedure for Purchases

IRCC Orientation Programme Indent initiated by PI with help of Dept. Stores (DS) CS invites/receives quotations and sends to PI / Dept. Purchase committee set up – OPENS quotations, evaluates, recommends vendor, DPO Fund check & appropriate Sanction / recommendation Central Stores prepares sanction Sheet -> IRCC CS sends PO, block amt., receives Item, sends to DS Dept. Stores sends item to PI / Lab PI installs & checks item, enters in DSR/TB, sends signed issue note to Dept. Stores After receiving issue note CS sends Bill to IRCC for payment Payment by IRCC as per terms of PO Funds available? Min. 3 quotations Proprietary item Rate contract item Advt. required? Financial Authority Dean > 2L, DD > 5L Dir > 15L, BOG > 25L Back 2.Large purchase of Equipment and Consumables through Central Stores (CS) Procedure for Purchases

IRCC Orientation Programme Similar procedure followed as before; (as per item 2) - Liaison with Dean Planning Office / Estate Office for all activities Purchases 3.Infrastructure related activities / purchases Back

IRCC Orientation Programme Activities handled by Administration Section, IRCC Contract appt. upto 1 yr or term of project Adhoc appt. for 89 days Students on projects PI to provide details of requirement to IRCC Circular/advertisement Scrutiny/Shortlisting of candidates by PI Selection committee-(PI/CoPI/HOD/two colleagues, experts) interview candidate, send recommendation to Dean Accommodation through PS Accom. in charge Joining formalities at IRCC PS attendance certification / Extension / enhancement / transfer from one project to another of same PI - online admn. Recruitment based on Academic selection - Resignation by submitting letter to Dean through PI - Termination by one month’s notice Project staff recruitment and related activities Project staff (PS) recruitment - as per sanctioned posts and availability of funds Back

IRCC Orientation Programme Note: TA / DA for travel are made based on GOI rules; deviations may be allowed on case to case basis as per rules Procedure for undertaking travel Approval for foreign travel Funding agency institute Draw advance online with details of schedule and approval of Dean Urgent travel may be made (based on travel related norms) without cash advance Advance to be settled within reasonable period after return Reimbursement claimed later within reasonable period Project Related Travel Back

IRCC Orientation Programme Periodic progress reports to be submitted to Funding Agencies (FA) Technical reports by PI, Statement of accounts and utilisation certificate (UC) by IRCC, sent to FA Release of funds in installments based on progress and expenditure Completion of projects Reallocation of funds based on FA approval Completion as per schedule, final report and UC submitted to FA If extension of project with / without additional funds - send request to FA in time Online request for closure of project, and completion report Project Progress / Completion Back

IRCC Orientation Programme Back Knowledge base Publications Manpower development Generation of Infrastructure / facilities IP generation / Technology transfer Strengthening of research capabilities … Marks the beginning of new projects for further research. Deliverables