The Books of Poetry and Wisdom Chapter 6: You Sure Have a Way with Words
Memory Verse Psalm 117: Praise the L ORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. 2 For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the L ORD endures forever. Praise the L ORD.
Heart and Soul The first 17 books of the Old Testament are historical in nature. The history of the Old Testament ends in Nehemiah with the building of the wall around Jerusalem by the Jewish remnant. (What’s a remnant again?) The last 17 books of the Old Testament are prophetic in nature. Between those two groupings are 5 poetic and wisdom books. They form the heart of the Old Testament in more ways than one. They are in the middle. They deal with the issues of God’s people as they lived in the presence of God and His prophets. They will speak to your heart as you relate to God.
They were Poets and Didn’t Know It Books of poetry and wisdom were written over a period of more than 1,000 years by a group of distinguished writers. Job was written by an unknown author (possibly Job himself) in about 2000 BC, which would make it the oldest book in the Bible. Various writers, including Moses, David, Asaph, and Solomon, penned the Psalms. Solomon wrote or collected most of the Proverbs. Solomon also wrote the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes.
Themes of the 5 Books of Poetry and Wisdom BookThemeIllustration JobSuffering and faith Psalms Our dependence on God for help, forgiveness, praise, and thanksgiving Proverbs Practical consequences of wisdom and foolishness EcclesiastesThe meaning of life Song of Songs/Solomon The beauty and power of love
Job: A Faithful Servant According to God Himself, Job was “the finest man in all the earth—a man of complete integrity” (Job 1:8). The book of Job begins with a rare glimpse into the heavenlies, where we observe as Satan and God make a deal. God allowed Satan to “test” his “faithful servant” Job first by destroying all his possessions, then his children, and then by taking away his health. It’s an amazing series of events which leaves Job in a state of suffering “too great for words.”
Job’s “Friends” His wife… Tells him things are so bad he should just curse God and die. His three “friends”… Come alongside and tell him he has offended God with his sin and arrogance, and that God is punishing him. Job’s response? He tells his friends he can’t believe God would go around punishing people for no reason. He certainly isn’t about to curse God.
Small Group Discussion Watch clip: Why do bad things happen to good people?Why do bad things happen to good people? 1. How can God permit suffering without causing it? 2. Give an example of a bad choice that leads to suffering. 3. Give an example of suffering that has nothing to do with choices. 4. Why might people tend to blame God for much of the suffering and evil in the world?
The Problem of Evil (Why Would a Good, Strong God Allow It?) So where does suffering come from? There are three primary sources: 1. Satan and his forces 2. We bring much of the hardship we experience on ourselves through bad choices. 3. A “Principle of Evil” in the world because of sin
So…What Happened? The Lord makes him prosperous again and gives him twice as much as he had before, including seven sons and three daughters.
Memory Verse Psalm 117: Praise the L ORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. 2 For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the L ORD endures forever. Praise the L ORD.
Memory Verse Psalm : 1- 1 Praise the, all you nations; him, all you. 2 For is his love toward us, and the of the L ORD forever. Praise the.
Memory Verse : 1- 1 the, all you ; him, all you. 2 For is his toward us, and the of the endures. the.
P147- Themes of the 5 Books of Poetry and Wisdom BookThemeIllustration JobSuffering and faith Psalms Our dependence on God for help, forgiveness, praise, and thanksgiving Proverbs Practical consequences of wisdom and foolishness EcclesiastesThe meaning of life Song of Songs/Solomon The beauty and power of love
Psalms Trivia 1. Which psalm begins with this line: “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want”? a. Psalm 23 b. Psalm 15 c. Psalm 1 d. Psalm Which psalm contains this line: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise”? a. Psalm 150 b. Psalm 45 c. Psalm 23 d. Psalm 100
Psalms Trivia 3. How many psalms are in the book of Psalms? a. 100 b. 123 c. 150 d Which psalm is the longest? a. Psalm 22 b. Psalm 117 c. Psalm 119 d. Psalm 137
Psalms Trivia 5. Fill in the blank: “But his delight is in the of the Lord.” a. Law b. Hope c. Salvation d. Will 6. Which psalm is the shortest psalm? a. Psalm 22 b. Psalm 117 c. Psalm 119 d. Psalm 137
Psalms Trivia 7. How many verses does it have? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d Which of these men was not an author of at least one of the chapters in the book of Psalms? a. Moses b. David c. Joshua d. Solomon
Psalms Trivia 9. How many books is the Book of Psalms divided into? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d Which is the last verse of Psalms? a. “The Lord reigns forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations.” b. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” c. “Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord.” d. “Give thanks to the Lord of heaven, His love endures forever.”
Psalms Trivia 1. Which psalm begins with this line: “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want”? a. Psalm 23 b. Psalm 15 c. Psalm 1 d. Psalm Which psalm contains this line: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise”? a. Psalm 150 b. Psalm 45 c. Psalm 23 d. Psalm 100
Psalms Trivia 3. How many psalms are in the book of Psalms? a. 100 b. 123 c. 150 d Which psalm is the longest? a. Psalm 22 b. Psalm 117 c. Psalm 119 d. Psalm 137
Psalms Trivia 5. Fill in the blank: “But his delight is in the of the Lord.” a. Law b. Hope c. Salvation d. Will 6. Which psalm is the shortest psalm? a. Psalm 22 b. Psalm 117 c. Psalm 119 d. Psalm 137
Psalms Trivia 7. How many verses does it have? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d Which of these men was not an author of at least one of the chapters in the book of Psalms? a. Moses b. David c. Joshua d. Solomon
Psalms Trivia 9. How many books is the Book of Psalms divided into? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d Which is the last verse of Psalms? a. “The Lord reigns forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations.” b. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” c. “Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord.” d. “Give thanks to the Lord of heaven, His love endures forever.”
Psalms: Songs in the Key of Life Psalms is the middle of your Bible. It’s the heart of the Bible. The Bible is God’s message to humanity; the Book of Psalms is humanity’s response to God. Psalms were actually songs and prayers written in Hebrew style poetry. Set to music Collected in a kind of hymnbook (called a Psalter) Sung by the Jewish people in the temple
The Divisions of Psalms Book 1: Psalms 1-41: Emphasis is on God’s relationship to human beings and vice versa. (Correspond with Genesis—creation, fall, redemption) Book 2: Psalms 42-72: Emphasis is on God’s relationship to Israel. (Correspond with Exodus—God’s rescue of His chosen nation) Book 3: Psalms 73-89: Emphasis is on the sanctuary, or the church. (Corresponds with Leviticus—Tabernacle and God’s holiness) Book 4: Psalms : Emphasis is on the earth and all that is in it. (Corresponds with Numbers—Israel’s relationship to surrounding nations) Book 5: Psalms : Emphasis is on the Word of God. (Corresponds with Deuteronomy—theme is God’s Word)
Different types of Psalms The two main types: Laments (prayers in times of need) Songs of praise (worship in times of joy). Less common types: Songs of thanksgiving, wisdom psalms, royal psalms, confessions of trust, temple entry liturgies, and pilgrim songs.
Class work time Doxology worksheet Once you finish the Doxology worksheet you can start working on you’re your Psalm project
Memory Verse Quiz: Oct 31,2013
Proverbs: Wisdom Is the Key The all-time greatest book of wisdom is the Book of Proverbs. Author: Solomon Reasons: To teach people wisdom and discipline To help them understand wise sayings What is a proverb? A proverb is a short poem intended to teach wisdom and common sense.
Ecclesiastes: Is That All There Is? Author: Solomon (Side Note: The word “Ecclesiastes” means preacher or teacher.) Timing: After His glory years had passed and his kingdom was about to split in two. Solomon had not lived up to his promise to serve God wholeheartedly. His life became consumed with pleasure, political compromises, and idolatry. The tone of the book shows the following: He now understands the skeptical side present in all people. Sometimes the strongest faith comes out of great doubt. It’s about facing the truth and finding ultimate and lasting fulfillment in God. Compared to God, everything else really is meaningless!
¿Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes? Proverbs – we reap what we sow Job – sometimes we reap what we didn’t sow Ecclesiastes – it seems that reaping and sowing don’t match up at all Why do these three books of wisdom literature all exist in the Bible?
Song of Songs: More Than Meets the Eye The Song of Songs (also known as the Song of Solomon) is… a. A beautiful story about the love between a husband and a wife b. An allegory about he love of God for His people and the love of Jesus for His church. c. The one Bible book that makes young men snicker in church. d. All of the Above