RIT Middle States Self-study 2017 Working Group Kick-off Meeting May 19, 2015
Agenda 12:45pm Meengle (meet & mingle) 1:00pm Welcome Dr. William Destler 1:15pm MSCHE Overview & CIP Dr. Christine Licata 1:30pm Self-Study and Working Groups Dr. Michael Laver & Dr. Anne Wahl 2:00pm Working Group Breakout Sessions 2:30pm Working Group Reports 3:00pm Adjourn
Decennial Evaluation 10 years after last Self-Study (2007-2017) Two major components: Comprehensive Institutional Self-Study Report External evaluation team visit (6-8) Major focus: Does RIT meet accreditation standards? Outcome: “Gold Standard”: Seal of approval for programs and operations Qualified to offer degrees and grant financial aid
Accreditation standards Recently revised (2014) Moved from 14 Standards to 7 Standards Modified emphasis from compliance to: Reflection and improvement Assessment and continuous improvement Student learning and student experience Outcomes Effective: 2017-2018
Getting ready for the decennial evaluation RIT Invited to Participate in Collaborative Implementation Project (CIP) 15 Partner institutions Unique opportunity RIT’s “CIP” Team Michael Laver, Self-Study Co-Chair Anne Wahl, Self-Study Co-Chair Christine Licata, RIT’s Accreditation Liaison Officer
The Revised Standards I: Mission and Goals II: Ethics and Integrity III: Design and Delivery of Student Learning Experience IV: Support of the Student Experience V: Educational Effectiveness & Assessment VI: Planning Resources & Institutional Improvement VII: Governance, Leadership & Administration “VIII”: Compliance and Requirements of Affiliation
RIT organizational structure
Self-Study Progress Steering Committee Karen Barrows Secretary to the Institute, and Chief of Staff, Office of the President Bob Finnerty Chief Communications Officer, University News Joan Graham Assistant Vice President, Institutional Research and Policy Studies Paula Grcevic Professor, National Technical Institute for the Deaf Clyde Hull Associate Professor, Saunders College of Business Bridget Hurley Student Government Representative Sandra Johnson Senior Vice President for Student Affairs Michael Laver Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts, Co-chair Christine Licata Senior Associate Provost, Academic Affairs Ed Lincoln Assistant Vice President, Enrollment Management & Career Services Kevin McDonald Vice Pres/Associate Provost for Diversity & Inclusion, Office of the President Yin Pan Associate Professor, Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences Austin Sierra Student Government Representative Thomas Smith Professor, School of Chemistry & Materials Science, College of Science Kim Sowers Director, ITS Project Management Office Greg VanLaeken Business Manager & Analyst for Global Programs Anne Wahl Assistant Provost for Assessment & Accreditation, Co-chair Charlene Reagan Senior Staff Assistant, Accreditation
Self-Study Progress Working Groups – You! 1 Working Group for each of the 7 Standards. Working Group 8 works exclusively on the Requirements of Affiliation. Each member of the Working Group was formally invited to participate. Very intentional about including a good balance of faculty and staff from diverse functions and backgrounds Each working group has a designated chair.
Working Group Involvement Timeline Self-Study Design Draft Input/Feedback on Draft MSCHE Self-Study Preparation Visit: Dr. Sean McKitrick Finalize Self-Study Design SC & WG Gather Data and Evidence Compile 1st Self-Study Draft Consult with RIT Community Revise Self-Study Draft Constituent Input Self-Study Finalized External Evaluation Team Visit MSCHE Final Accreditation Action January 20, 2015: May 13, 2015: September 2015 – June 2016 Working Group Involvement June 2016 January 2017 March/April 2017: June 2017:
Self-Study Design MSCHE Prescribes Most Design Elements Flexibility on: Intended Outcomes Research Questions Approval received for Self-Study Design from Middle States Coordinate with RIT’s Strategic Plan Implementation May 13, 2015
Next Steps Working Group Charges Implement the Design and Writing the Self-Study Report Working Group Charges The Working Groups will engage in a process of open inquiry related to the Standard to develop their respective sections of the Self-Study Report. The process of open inquiry includes: analyzing documents, reviewing institutional processes and procedures, determining if the Standard is met, advancing priorities in RIT’s new Strategic Plan, identifying institutional strengths, and making recommendations for improvement. To assist the Working Group, the SC will provide a timeline, guidelines, and the report template. In addition, SC members are designated as liaisons to specific Working Groups.
Working Groups: Roles & Responsibilities Know Thy Standard “Standards of Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation” Know Thy “Research Questions” Self Study Design Know Thy “Documentation Roadmap” Self-Study Design; Taskstream
Working Groups: Roles & Responsibilities Writest Thou a Report – 5 sections An overview of the group’s charge, defining the scope of its tasks and responsibilities in relation to its assigned Standard Discussion of the connection of the group’s charge with those of other groups, and if any collaboration between groups that took place Analytical discussion of the data reviewed and the inquiry undertaken, and the group’s conclusions, including strengths and challenges Explanation of how the group’s conclusions related to the assigned Standard Recommendations for ongoing institutional improvement
Chairs’ Roles & Responsibilities Set regular meeting dates over the summer for all of next year Outlook Calendar! Ensure that everyone is conversant with the materials Self-Study Design, MSCHE Materials, Documentation Roadmap Training for Taskstream (Chairs and members) A workspace for each Working Group Organize work flow for team Determine division of labor, timeline and processes Communicate progress and challenges Check in and consult with Standard Liaison
Working Group Resources Folder Contents Middle States Website: Standard Liaison Co-chairs
Working Group Resources Administrative Support Staff for Working Groups Stephanie Rankin Working Groups 1 - 4 Charlene Reagan Working Groups 5 - 8 Additional MSCHE Project Support Staff Taskstream
Working Group Resources Each Working Group will have its own Workspace in Taskstream (RIT’s Assessment Management System)
Working Group Resources Training for Working Groups will take place early fall Standard Workspace Working Group Members General Information for Working Group Documentation Roadmap (documents, policies, procedures, etc.) Working Group Report Template GOAL: ONE STOP SHOP FOR WORKING GROUPS Grace Rubin – Assessment Management System Coordinator
Working Group Breakout Sessions Get To Know Each Other - Introductions Initial Opportunities and Challenges Identify Questions from Working Group
WHAT’S NEXT FOR WORKING GROUPS? Read and Review (summer) (Standard, Self-Study Design & Documentation Roadmap) Chair will be Planning (summer) WG Meetings (September 2015) WG Formal Mid-Reports (mid-January 2016) First Full Draft (June 2016)
Thank You for your “extra tiger effort” to serve on the MSCHE Self-Study 2017 project! Happy Summer!