SYNERGY OIL & GAS, INC. OVERVIEW Founded in 1993 with $50,000 and donated salaries Original Strategy Acquisition and Exploitation Focus in Areas of Expertise – Gulf Coast and West Texas Maintain Operator Position Flat Organization Structure with Shared Ownership Revision in Strategy Create Attractive Portfolio for Liquidity Event Increase Exploitation Exposure Hedge Production to Match Acquisition Economics Raised Equity from Natural Gas Partners in July 1998 Sold to Penn Virginia for $112MM in July 2001
SYNERGY OIL & GAS, LP ROUND II Partners Eric R. Pitcher Duane H. King Jim Unverferth Jon Robin Strategy Acquire and Exploit Gulf Coast Texas and Louisiana Exploration – Prefer Early Stage Operations – Preferred Company Acquisition where Assets Fit Expertise Hedge to Match Debt Exposure Flat Organization Structure with Shared Ownership Financing Significant Personal Equity Backing Company Support of Institutional Equity Clean Slate Looking for Opportunities that fit skill set. $1MM to $100MM+