What are they? How can you utilize them? How could they be useful in your classroom?
Actual on-site field trips are fading in a student’s academic life due to… funding time away from instruction/classroom focus on testing ???
Virtual Field Trips (VFT) are an inexpensive way to bring the “world” into the classroom! VFT planning does take time, but the VFT can be done in segments, as an entire trip, and utilized in the future. Article: “Grounded” from Edutopia, October 2005.Grounded
First… they may be created prior to an actual trip. Second… they can be created after an actual trip. Third… students can take an actual virtual field trip.
What are you looking for at the site? ~”How do you evaluate the content?” ~“How do you evaluate the literacy level?” ~“How do you evaluate to see if the site meets the standards?” *Discovery Channel Evaluation FormsDiscovery Channel Evaluation Forms
Now, let’s see how a VFT can be utilized in the classroom or approached as an assignment for students. Now, let’s see how a VFT can be utilized in the classroom or approached as an assignment for students.
Here’s what a few students said about creating a VFT and its use in the classroom! …”will get the students attention in the classroom” … “something I will definitely use in the classroom” … “It is a neat experience for students to see, but in no way would it begin to give the students the experience of a real field trip.” … “I showed it to my cooperating teacher, and she was very impressed. She began sharing it with other teachers. Therefore, this could help distinguish us from other candidates for a teaching job.” …“I was worried that the end product would not be beneficial, but after seeing all the presentations, I think they were wonderful!” … “awesome project” … “neat and fun to put together”
… “creativity was key” … “I like the idea of a VFT and am glad I know how to make one, but I doubt if I will find that many hours of “free time” to make one when I am teaching. I think it will be more practical to use ones already available.” … “It’s time consuming, but still easier than trying to get permission for kids to do this, especially with ‘flying’.” … “My VFT project sparked interest in community → my co- workers wanted to be involved by bringing in pictures or wanting to take pictures for me.” … “It is a neat experience for students to see, but in no way would it begin to give the students the experience of a real field trip.” … “I don’t really feel that there was a down side to this project, except it took a low of time. We were given time to complete it though, so it was doable.”
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