Make No Small Plans! 2010/11 Annual Report Serving the Region for over 39 years! For Presentation to the Calumet County Board August 16, 2011 Eric W. Fowle, AICP Executive Director
RPC History & Formation Nine Existing RPCs ECWRPC designated in Created by order of Governor under what is now Wisconsin State Statutes ECWRPC Boundaries 10 Counties 256 MCDs Member Counties Calumet Outagamie Winnebago Shawano Waushara Waupaca Menominee Non-Member Counties Fond du Lac Green Lake Marquette Calumet Co. Commissioners Bill Barribeau Alice Connors Merlin Gentz
Statutory Functions of ECWRPC 1.Preparation Regional Comprehensive Plan 2.Collection & distribution of land information 3.Provision of special planning functions 4.Provision of technical planning assistance 5.Contract for planning assistance 6.Facilitation of intergovernmental cooperation & coordination
Transportation Program ECWRPC Serves as the Federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for both the Fox Cities and Oshkosh. The Commission also serves as staff for the Fond du Lac MPO.
WisDOT Northeast Region Travel Demand Model Green Bay Fox Cities Waupaca Shawano Fond du Lac Oshkosh Wittenberg Waupun Manitowoc Sheboygan Sturgeon Bay Northeast Region Model Highway Network
Freight In Partnership with:
Regional Safe Routes to School Program Only Regional Program in State! Almost $500,000 received in 2010 for planning! Stakeholder Mtgs. Guidebooks Marketing Transportation Program
Economic Development Program EDA-TAA Grant: Collaborative w/ Bay-Lake RPC $133,500 leveraged from EDA Research/assess cluster-based businesses suitable for global trade expansion opportunities. Provide assistance, education, and support to expand and compete in global marketplace.
Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Parkway Extends from Green Bay to Prairie du Chien Lower Fox/Winnebago & Pool Lakes/Upper Fox/Lower Wisconsin Effort began in the 1980’s in response to desire to abandon lock system ‘Route of Exploration’ by Marquette & Joliet Seeking NPS National Heritage Area Designation Recently certified as a Non-Profit 501(c)(3)
Environmental Management Program NR-135 Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation Program 10 th year of program in 2011! A Model of Collaboration & Efficiency CountyTotal Sites Permitted Total Active Acres Reclaimed 2010 Total Acres Reclaimed Calumet
Climate Environmental Management Program Groundwater Recharge Mapping
Environmental Management Program NERN was formed in 1998 as a loosely organized coalition of agencies, non-profits, and citizens. In 2011, NERN joined with the LNRP as a non-profit program connected to the issues of the Lakeshore Basin MISSION: “To promote balanced land-use decisions and an appreciation of the ecology of the Niagara Escarpment. This will be achieved by providing education and scientific information to decision- makers; acknowledging local interests, and; promoting sound planning and management concepts that conserve the integrity of the Niagara Escarpment.”
Educate & Inform Build Awareness & Land Ethic Niagara Escarpment Resource Network
Wisconsin Ledge American Viticultural Area (AVA) Information Required to Establish AVA 1.Evidence that the name of the AVA is locally and/or nationally known 2.Historical evidence of the proposed area 3.Evidence relating to geographical features (soil, climate, physical & geographical features, etc.) which distinguish the viticultural factors of the landscape as compared to the surrounding area 4.Specific boundaries of the AVA based on features which can be found on USGS maps of the largest applicable scale 5.The appropriate boundary maps with the boundaries prominently marked American Viticultural Area: A delimited grape-growing area with distinguishable features. The boundaries of which have been approved and established by the TTB and published in 27 CFR Part 9 of the federal regulations. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Tax, Sec. 9.3 & 4.25(c) 2 and (c)
Local Assistance Program
2010 RPC Recognition
2011 Projects New Items for 2011 SE 441 Study Calumet County Highway History Project C. New Holstein Urban Forestry Grant Regional Park Planning Assistance
2012 Outlook 2012 Budget & Levy Overall -5.53% Reduction for 2012 (-5.62% for Calumet County) YearAPPROVEDCHANGE '12 Total Operating Budget $ 1,973,157 $ 2,269,148 $ 2,106,765 $ (162,383) Total ECWRPC Levy Amount $ 765,512 $ 738,788 $ 697,910 $ (40,878) Levy as Percentage of Total Budget 38.8%32.6%33.1% Calumet County Portion of Levy $ 59,239 $ 57,486 $ 54,253 $ (3,233)
Thank You! Serving the Region for over 39 years! Eric W. Fowle, AICP Executive Director (920)