Significant Aspect of Learning: Investigation of religious beliefs, values, issues, traditions and practices through a range of primary and secondary sources. Experiences and Outcomes I can record many major life events and times of year in the Christian calendar, I can explain key features of such festivals and celebrations of Christianity through exploring the life of Jesus. RME 2-03b I am developing my respect for others and my understanding of their beliefs and values. RME 2-07a I am increasing my knowledge and understanding of different forms of worship and artefacts within Christianity and can explain their importance for followers of Christianity. RME 2-03a Christianity and the Church - SECOND LEVEL Learning Statements Investigate and evaluate the meaning of key sources of evidence including special places and artefacts. Communicate an understanding of Christians beliefs and values. Explain the ways in which theses beliefs have developed. Use sources to investigate and understand the importance of celebrations and practices in Christianity. for Final assessment Success Criteria for Final assessment I can identify, locate and name a variety of Christian artefacts found in a Christian Church. I can demonstrate my knowledge and understanding about Christianity and the life of Jesus by explaining their importance for Christians. I can explore and demonstrate from my recordings why Christians celebrate certain times of the year or events in their lives and their significance.
This is second level because:Pupil Voice and Evidence The learner o has identified key points in Jesus’ life through a sequencing task. o can communicate an understanding of these key events and identify their importance to Christians o through response to questioning, can consider how and why these events are celebrated during the church year or within a service PowerPoint: Life of Jesus flow charts Through investigating and analysing the life of Jesus and his teaching, the learner can identify key events which are significant in Christian beliefs and worship in the Christian Church. Success Criteria I can investigate the life of Jesus through a variety of resources. I can record my findings clearly in a flow chart Through discussion and negotiations with my group I can identify key events and relate their importance within the Christian Church “I have learned far more about the story of Jesus and the important parts of his life that goes with church celebrations and festivals. I now know lots of what Christians believe in Jesus and how that is celebrated during a church service like the Last Supper being part of a service in communion and how a church has a communion table. I now know what my gran means when she used to talk about getting communion and I now realise she thinks she is getting Jesus’s body.’ I can record many major life events and times of year in the Christian calendar, I can explain key features of such festivals and celebrations of Christianity through exploring the life of Jesus. RME 2-03b
This is Second level because:Pupil Voice and Evidence The learner o has demonstrated through a personal response, respect as well as a greater understanding of the beliefs and values of Christians. o has, through discussions and recordings, demonstrated an awareness of how Christians come to their beliefs. “I have learned a lot more about the beginnings of Christianity and parts of the story of Jesus makes sense. You can see how Christians love Jesus because of the way he treated people and how his message is of love. I now understand more fully about Christian symbols and the significance in the lives of Christians, especially the empty cross being Jesus risen from the dead. I am not a Christian but I really thought it was a nice idea belonging to a church.” “We have learned so much about the beginnings of Christianity and how the story of Jesus works. Now I know more about Christians beliefs and what happens during a church service. It’s interesting to find out about Jesus’s life and how that fits in with what happens in church. It now makes a bit more sense to how there’s catholic stuff and stuff is different in other churches. I didn’t know that and I’d like to find out more”
This is second level because :Pupil Voice and Evidence The learner: identified and evaluated appropriate sources of information and their reliability. negotiated and collaborated with group partners. investigated their area of research and identified a variety of celebrations, practices, festivals and traditions associated with each aspect of their chosen area within the Christian Church. PowerPoint: Investigations church and worship PowerPoint: Pentecost and confirmation Investigation into an aspect of the Christian Church from ‘Christian Church (curriculum Visions) by Lisa Magloff, website to look at the inside of a Church and teacher prepared Powerpoints. Children, in groups took an area to research and within groups. negotiated roles and a line of research. Group chose a form of recording and presented their findings to rest of the class. Success Criteria I can analyse sources of evidence to gather appropriate sources for a task. I can select an aspect of churches and worship, a resource to research from and create text to suit purpose. I chose to find out about the beginnings of Christianity for my investigation because I thought the story of the Pentecost was really amazing. Our teacher had given us a game to play about Pentecost and how Christians get confirmation[confirmed] and it was so good so I decided to find out more. I found out about Saul who became Paul and how he was changed by the power of God and how he became a Christian and how he spread Jesus’s messages all over lots of countries and spread Christianity and made the church. I liked my drawing of a dove to show God’s spirit.
This is second level because :Pupil Voice and Evidence The learner: located, identified and evaluated purpose of artefacts belonging to Christian Church. negotiated and collaborated with group partners. investigated their chosen area of research independently. demonstrated from informed questioning and pertinent responses a clear understanding of traditions, practices and the nature of life within the Christian Church during discussion with Church minister made a self assessment of the study of artefacts, checking that they have included a picture of the artefact and a short description which includes the main points about each. Wrote short comment using the negotiated success criteria. PowerPoint: visit and investigations in church During a field trip, learners observed and investigated a Christian Church and its artefacts. Learners chose an area of the church to investigate and within groups, observed outside of building, then artefacts within the church during a service to ascertain their purpose. From evaluated responses the significance to Christians is investigated by group. Group chose the form of recording and presenting their findings to rest of the class, sharing their responses. Success Criteria I can locate and observe church furniture and many artefacts associated with the Christian Church. I can evaluate their purpose and interpret their importance to Christians and the significance in their worship, practice and celebrations. I can observe the building of the church from outside, identify and discuss features and detail. “Our Easter service was held in the church and it was very good. Rev Joe’s story about eggs was really cool and funny. Lots of the class got to play a part in the service and acting out the story of Jesus death and rising from the dead. I had to read out part of a poem. This was the first time I had ever been inside a church and I was amazed at how big it was and we got to see all the things we had been learning about in class and what they are used for. My favourite was the font though it was like a wee tiny basin and I thought it was too tiny to put babies in but then I remembered that babies only got water over them”
This is second level because:Pupil Voice and Evidence The learner: o identified and communicated their understanding about Christianity and how it relates to Christian Church and worship. o thought critically about how appropriate some of the questions and answers are, and how challenging they might be. o demonstrated own understanding and knowledge through oral and written responses. PowerPoint: church quiz From their studies learners created and formulated a variety of questions, which were presented to others in the class, to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of Christian Churches and worship. Success Criteria I can critically evaluate my own investigations and research I can choose areas and questions which I think will challenge others I can create appropriate questions using areas of Blooms Taxonomy Literal : evaluative : analytical : inferential etc
Final Summative Assessment This is second level becauseEvidence The learner: o could communicate an understanding of Christians beliefs of Christians and link them to events in the life of Jesus and how these are celebrated in the Christian Church o could identify and name the artefacts associated within the Church and their significance to Christians and worship. o communicated informed personal opinions and justified their responses with reasons. PowerPoint: Artefact assess