Industrial & Operations Engineering, University of Michigan1 Industrial & Operations Engineering (IOE) Resources for Improved Healthcare Mark Van Oyen Ph.D., Associate Professor, IOE, University of Michigan
Industrial & Operations Engineering, U.M.2 Industrial & Operations Engineering (IOE) skill sets of the Department Lean Six Sigma Operations Research & Simulation Ergonomics and Human Factors Quality & Statistics Supply Chain Management Linkages to UM Hospital and Health Centers School Public Health School of Nursing Ross School of Business
National Academy of Engineers & Institute of Medicine Call for A New Engineering/Health Care Partnership
The Time is Ripe: Call to Action Healthcare providers are superbly trained to take care of individual patients Healthcare delivery is a complex system Engineers are superbly trained to improve systems Healthcare and Systems Engineering have lived in separate worlds APPLY SYSTEMS ENGINEERING TO HEALTHCARE
5 Health care Other industries
Introduction to the Resources of the IOE Department Students: Bachelors (250), Masters (140), Ph.D. (80) –IOE 481 senior design projects in the University of Michigan Hospital via Mark Van Oyen (formerly Richard Coffey ) –NEW: introduce Ph.D. students and post-docs for longer-term, high-impact projects –NEW: Masters students involved with Ph.D. students in hospital projects Mark Van Oyen has started up the HealthE Lab to focus on healthcare operation and systems
Healthcare Engineering Laboratory (HealthE Lab) Engineering-enabled transformation of Healthcare – Collaborations at University of Michigan on Healthcare operations and systems – Seminars – Working Group
Faculty Ph.D. Research (Dissertations & Mentoring that generate successful graduates) MS Projects IOE 590, Independent Studies Tauber Institute projects Undergraduate Projects IOE 481, Independent Studies Inpatient Admissions/ Operating Room Scheduling Continuity of Care - Lean Analysis Clinic Simulation Study Inbound Supply Chain Logistics Publications Grants (NSF & NIH) Nurse Scheduling Six Sigma in surgical suite Teaching Outreach & Engagement
Ross Business School HealthE Lab: Leveraging Collaboration HealthE Lab Industry & Spin-offs University of Michigan Health System + Partner Hospitals University of Michigan Engineering School
Research Excellence Inter disciplinary EducationLeadership HealthE Healthcare Engineering Lab Focus: Advancing Healthcare Operations Operations Engineering & Research Quality Supply chain Delivery-enabling systems Engagement with: Healthcare systems School of Medicine School of Public Health Ross School of Business School of Nursing Developing healthcare professionals: B.S.E., M.S., Ph.D. Enrichment of curriculum for IOE, public health, and other disciplines New ideas impacting society through the healthcare industry - Operations - Quality - Safety - Public policy Saving lives, improving quality, and reducing cost through effective planning, operations management, and service delivery.
Great Potential for Collaboration University of Michigan School rankings: Industrial & Operations Engineering Department - 2 nd Engineering - 9 th ($132 million research expenditure) School of Medicine - 12 th (19,269 employees, 1,614 clinicians, $329.3 million research expenditure) Ross Business School - 11 th (Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies)