Healthy Living
Some runners say that the hardest part about going out for a run is putting on their shoes. Daily exercise, however, whether it be running or walking, can greatly reduce the chances of developing heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In addition, choosing nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help people maintain good health.
Most people have difficulty determining their healthy weight. Using a scale to calculate your mass does not take factors such as age, sex and height into consideration. An alternative to the scale is a value called the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI compares a person's weight relative to their height. It is a useful tool because it helps to measure a person's body fat which is a good prediction of future health concerns.
Choosing Healthy Foods Knowing your BMI can help you adapt your lifestyle for exercise and healthy eating. Choosing foods to eat may be the biggest challenge. One of the things you can do is to carefully read the ingredients on labels and also the nutritional information. Choose foods that are low in fat and sugar and read the nutritional labels. But be careful that you also note the serving size. The nutritional information on a bag of cookies is only for two or three cookies, not the whole bag.
The sample label on the right has highlighted some key points to pay attention to when shopping. In addition to serving size, you will notice that fats are broken down into the different types of fats. Remember that unsaturated fats are the best type of fat to consume. Sodium content is important for people who have high blood pressure. Diabetics should always note the sugar content as they need to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. Vitamins and minerals are also noted on the nutritional label as they are needed by the body to carryout vital tasks. Remember that hemoglobin is made up of iron.
Exercise Daily exercise is the best present you can give your body. It strengthens your heart and reduces the risk of developing heart disease. Exercise helps to maintain an appropriate body weight, improve the efficiency of the lungs, and strengthen muscles and bones. In addition to physical improvements, daily exercise helps to improve concentration and reduce stress and tension. Living in Ontario provides you with a vast amount of outdoor activities to choose from to be physically active. Whether you enjoy swimming, biking, cross country skiing or rowing the opportunity to exercise is always present. You can join a soccer team, karate club or dance group to improve your physical and mental health.
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