Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I. Advanced Assignment 8 Slides Copyright © 2003 – 2009 Kenji Tachibana
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Advanced Assignment: Putting it all together G olden Rule: Keep it simple
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Advanced Assignment: Putting it all together C ore Concerns: List 1.Subject 2.Light 3.Location 4.Story 5.Learning goal
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Advanced Assignment: Putting it all together 1. S ubject Size:Small and portable Shape:Simple geometry (square cube) Tone:White or medium (photo) gray Color: Introduce later
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Advanced Assignment: Putting it all together 2. L ight Size:Small and portable Kind:250W – 500W Quarts (shop light) Quality:Diffused or bounced Use:Draw with light
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Advanced Assignment: Putting it all together 3. L ocation Room:Yours with light block shade for b lack out the room. Wall&:It should all be white. Power:20 amp minimum. Space: 10 x 12 minimum.
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Advanced Assignment: Putting it all together 4. S tory Point:Inform, entertain, impress, orto sell. Title:Must have but do not reply on it to explain you image. The best titles are the ones that add more meaning of the story.
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Advanced Assignment: Putting it all together 4. L earning goal Room:Yours with light-block shade for blacking out the room. Wall&:It should all be white. Power:20 amp minimum. Space
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Advanced Assignment: Putting it all together P rimary Concerns: Reminder list 1.Subject 2.Light 3.Location 4.Story 5.Learning goal If any of these topics are still unclear, please go back and review.
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Art 115: DOF – Illusion of sharpness A ssignment Specification: Continue to carry on with the ‘require’ that was set up in Art 114. And that is to start with the Story and shoot a series of image based on the story. Select out the Best, Next, and Least images from your shoot. You will end up with 3 sets of BNL series of image. That is because you will be shooting all three stages in one shoot. Stages – ID (catalogue), ID plus (fancy catalogue), and the last Interpretation (catalogue cover).
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Art 115: DOF – Illusion of sharpness A ssignment Specification: Stage 1: Simple clean ID shot where the subject is very tightly cropped. Stage 2: Simple clean ID plus shot where there is a little more background showing. Stage 3: Simple but elegant shot for the catalogue cover or even an ad shot.
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Art 115: DOF – Illusion of sharpness S ubject Choice: I already have a number of subjects that I can provide you with. My subjects are all based on selecting for learning potential that you may not appreciate yet. Although, you are more than free to come up with your own subject choices. And that is because self-motivation is of high importance when doing advance assignments. You need to feel that you are shooting what you want…
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Cameron and his team: S ummary: Please push yourself while you still have me to give you feedback. A teacher can only take you as far as they have gone. And I have been a successful advertising photographer with national and international awards of excellence in Photography and Design.
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I x End