ACTS There are three things about the coming of the Holy Spirit. When He appeared. How He appeared. What happened. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS V1 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Pentecost means “fiftieth” because this feast was held fifty days after the Feast of Firstfruits. “fully come” speaks of completion. The Day of Pentecost becomes one of seven feasts of Judaism. At Pentecost the Jews celebrated the giving of the law, but Christians celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit. a.The Feast of the Passover commemorates the passing over of the death angel and looks forward to the coming of Jesus Christ. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS b.The Feast of the Unleavened Bread commemorates the urgency they left Egypt and the fulfillment is Jesus Christ because leaven represents sin. c.The Feast of First Fruits commemorates the early barley harvest and the fulfillment of that is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. d.The Feast of Pentecost commemorates the Jewish believers and the Gentile believers in the church by waving two loaves of leavened bread the leaven represents the sin in the church which will not leave until it gets to heaven and its fulfillment is the sending of the Holy Spirit. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS e.The Feast of Trumpets commemorates the beginning of the New Year and the fulfillment of the Rapture of the church. f.The Day of Atonement commemorates the atoning of the sins for sacrificing the lamb the fulfillment is found in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. g.The Feast of Tabernacles commemorates God’s provision while they wandered in the wilderness for forth years its fulfillment is the Second Coming of Jesus and the setting up of the millennial kingdom. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS The Feast of Firstfruits took place on the day after the Sabbath following Passover, which means it was always on the first day of the week. (The Sabbath is the seventh day.) Jesus arose from the dead on the first day of the week and “became the firstfruits of them that slept” 1Cor.15:20. So if Pentecost was fifty days later, then Pentecost also took place on the first day of the week. Christians assemble and worship on Sunday, the first day of the week, because on that day our Lord arose from the dead, but it was also the day on which the Holy Spirit was given to the church. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS V2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. V3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. Two things on how He appeared. –It was audible –It was visual Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS It was audible, according to verse 2 there was a rushing as a wind. It was not a rushing of wind but just a sound of the rushing wind. What was that sound? Turn to Psalm 29:3 the voice of the Lord. Notice in verse 2 the position of the disciples. They were sitting when the Holy Spirit came upon them. Not jumping up and down or yelling or barking. You don’t have to do a lot of weird stuff when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS It was visual, divided tongues as of fire. Not tongues of fire it was like a tongue of fire. Notice verse 3 He sat upon them. He just sat upon them kind of like a bird sitting on your shoulder. Not violent but like a dove. Doves land very gently. The Holy Spirit comes upon us gently like a dove landing. The Holy Spirit could knock us over but He is a gentle Spirit. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS What happened when He came? When He came people started talking in tongues. Three aspects of the Holy Spirit; a.He is with us b.He is in us c.He is upon us This is the filling of the Holy Spirit and that is what is happening here when they start talking in tongues. The Holy Spirit comes upon us to empower us to be witnesses, now the Holy Spirit is coming upon them to enable them to speak in tongues. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS PETER’S FIRST SERMON Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS Peter’s sermon v17—36 is going to answer the question that was asked in verse 12. How does he answer this question? With the Word of God. In verse 17 Peter talks about the pouring out of the Holy Spirit by quoting Joel and then further on talks about the coming of the Lord after the Great Tribulation (the Day of our Lord). He then brings it back to salvation at the end of the Joel quote. In verses 22 through 36 Peter points out four things about Jesus: 1.His sermon includes His life. v22 2.Talks about His death. v23 3.Talks about the resurrection. v24, 29—32 4.Talks about His ascension. v33—36 Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS THE FIRST CONVERTS Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS We want to note three things about these first converts to Christianity: The first thing to note is the reaction of the crowd to Peter’s sermon. It was two fold according to verse They were cut to the heart. The word cut here means to be cut violently or pierced through. They were so convicted that they had killed the Messiah that they felt anguish, pain, and sorrow. 2.They questioned “What shall we do?” the question was what we shall do now that we killed the Messiah? Can we make it right? How do we reverse the action already started? Look at Peter’s response to the question in verse 38. He gives us two things. First is to repent, have a change of mind, change of heart, a change of purpose. Repenting means to stop doing what you are doing. Second be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS The second thing to note is the promise of the father verses 39 and 40 to everyone. This promise is the promise of salvation for all who believe. Previous SlideNext Slide
ACTS The third thing to note is the result of the gospel. Salvation. Verse 41 we see that about 3000 souls were added. We need to stick to the gospel. Commitment. We see that commitment in four areas of v 42. Doctrine, in the teaching of the Word of God. Fellowship Breaking of Bread, speaks of the communion Prayer Fear. Not the bad kind of fear but the good kind. Awe such as awesome. Generosity. v44, 45. They are not talking about communism but commonism. Its not what is yours is mine but it is what is mine is yours. Simplicity and gladness, this is the simplicity of one heart. v46 Praising God and had favor with everyone. v47 Growth the church grew daily. v48 Previous SlideNext Slide