Phantom to test MUGA software Bill Thomson, Joe O’Brien Nigel Williams
Not New! Phantom developed some years ago need to test amplitude and phase component not designed for ejection fraction
Normal / Abnormal MUGA scan
Single Harmonic Fourier At each pixel position, we fit a curve based on first term of Fourier series a + b.sin( t) + c.cos( t) = A.sin( t + ) the first harmonic is a sinusoid function with the fundamental frequency and a phase angle .
Sum of Cos and Sin terms + =
Sum of Cos and Sin terms + =
Sum of Cos and Sin terms Frequency does not change phase change only + =
Sum of Cos and Sin terms Frequency does not change phase change only + =
Single harmonic Fourier fit A For each pixel, A Amplitude functional image extent of change Phase functional image timing
Amplitude and Phase zAmplitude how much movement zPhase onset of contraction 15% threshold (from amplitude) histogram of phase in - whole image ED L ventricle region
Test Procedure zNeed to input sinusoid terms zwant amplitude range % zwant phase values
Sinusoid shape A A
Curves generated
rotating plane phantom
Amplitude and phase
Phase direction note 90 degree shift in phase angle Phase should follow the phantom Phase is actually going in opposite direction
Change of ED ROI
Effect of change in ED position
Different ROI position
Phantom for EF curve creation Perimeter of phantom based on EF curve similar effects seen shows robust Fourier fit at low ejection fraction and counts
Previous work - different processor Area of LV was delayed phase shows early contraction!! phase was reversed
Previous work - different processor Area of LV was delayed phase shows early contraction!! phase was reversed Corrected program
Higher Harmonic testing 1st harmonic
Higher Harmonic testing 1st harmonic 2nd harmonic
Higher Harmonic testing 1st harmonic 3rd harmonic 2nd harmonic
3 Harmonic phantom
3 harmonic phantom Fourier curve fit tries to fit first EF type component only
3 harmonic phantom, different ROI
3 harmonic fit to noisy data
Issues Phase angle appears to run in wrong direction Will not affect aneurism detection Amplitude and phase dependent on ROI Fourier fits to CDBS curve Time to Peak Fill is based on Fourier curve Suggest use 4 harmonic fit routinely