Resources for Adult Students with Hearing Impairments Sumana Silverheels Disability Services Buffalo State
There are various degrees of hearing loss Slight Mild Moderate Severe Profound Hearing Loss - Degree
Normal –10 to 15 Slight 16 to 25 Mild 26 to 40 Moderate 41 to 55 Moderately severe 56 to 70 Severe 71 to 90 Profound 91+ Hearing Loss – Range (db – HL)
Conductive Limited transmittal of sound from outer to inner ear Often corrected by medical or surgical procedures Sensorineural Damage to the inner ear or nerve pathway from inner ear to the brain Most common type of permanent hearing loss Mixed hearing loss Combination of Conductive and Sensorineural hearing loss Hearing Loss - Types
Hearing Tests Administered by Audiologists or Hearing Healthcare Professionals Online self-test Online self-test (Speech-In-Noise Test) Not a true test of hearing loss How it is Diagnosed
Things to consider Do you use sign language interpreters Do you need an amplification system How do you take notes in class Are there videos/audio podcasts in the course Accommodations for Education
Request sign language interpreters Setup of services takes time Provide schedule of classes Service is expensive so please inform services providers If you withdraw from classes Change courses and/or time Sign Language Interpreters
Some schools/colleges may have generic amplification systems available Customized amplifiers are not generally provided Seek out services from vocational rehabilitation agencies for personalized devices Amplification systems
Peer note takers Access to information on Learning management systems Note taking
Closed captioned videos YouTube Instructor created videos Pod casts Transcripts Audio/Video Instructions
It is important to understand how your hearing loss is affecting you Who can help What tools and resources are available Contact Disability Services within the college Conclusion
Defining Hearing Loss Defining Hearing Loss Degree of Hearing Loss Degree of Hearing Loss Loss/#sthash.gSBB4Z0c.dpuf Deaf Access Services Deaf Access Services Computer Aided Transcription Services (CART) Computer Aided Transcription Services (CART) Resources